The Two Angels and Their Broken Dragons Part 4

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[Timeskip: Midnight in the Guest Bedroom]

3rd P.O.V

"Hey, Amity? Are you still awake?"

There was faint shuffling coming from next to her as she lay there on her back, staring up at the dark ceiling.

"Yeah...I sleep isn't really agreeing with me right now." Amity admits as she too laid on her back on the queen-sized bed they were forced to share for the night which didn't really bother the two sisters.

Back when Amity was a small witchling, she would always run to her older sister's room for comfort after a horrible dream or a lousy Boiling rainstorm. The eldest Blight wouldn't admit this to anyone but her mother in private confidence but she always felt so touched that Amity would go and her for anything and that didn't change even as they reached their teens.

Amelia was known for many things around Bonesborough and at Hexside, cold, serious, intimidating, and just downright a bad bitch but when it came to her younger siblings and family, she was a loving, caring, and doting daughter and sister. They would do anything to protect them.

Amity, on the other hand, was a downright nerd in every aspect but she is no pushover. She was the apple of their father's eye as she was a prodigy with abomination magic and experimenting with her abominations. 

Their mother even has a picture of witchling Amity and their father covered head to toe in abomination goo with massive grins on their faces after an experiment gone wrong. That was a good day as Amity tried to prank the twins with goop hugs.

"How are you holding up with everything?" Amelia asks as she turns her head to her little sister.

Amity didn't face her sister as she kept looking up at the ceiling, you could tell that she was in deep thought as her face was full of concern for the Drake siblings.

"I really don't know how to even think about everything Am much less try to word how I feel about all of this," Amity said after a few moments of silence," Seeing the life that Luz is actually a part of and seeing her massacre an entire group of elite guards with little to no mercy. It's just, I knew she was strong from how much damage she inflicted back at the convention when Lilith pissed her off but seeing her actually go all out..."

Her words trailed off as she sits up a bit and leans up against the headboard. 

Amelia couldn't really judge her sister with all the confusing feelings that she was experiencing at the moment as she too was feeling the same way.

Both Blights were both so confused about their feelings about the Drakes, who were sleeping soundly in the room next door. Luz was kind enough to show them to the guest room which was next to their room here in the mansion. Luz explained, on paper when she dropped Lucia off in her bed, that if they needed anything come and find her since she was going to be up. 

"I feel the same way too Amity," Amelia admitted as she sits up as well," I mean we are part of the Blight and the Lennox family, both of them have experienced death in one form or another from dealing with deadly beasts that head of the Beast Coven wouldn't want to face to other aristocratic witches who think they could defeat out parents. I've even seen our parents kill someone in a magical duel but the way Luz and Lucia fought."

She felt a shiver go down her back as she recalls the precise cuts and how easily Luz was about to slice and dice the guards and the pure brute force that Lucia showed at making her enemies explode in a bloody gory mess after a single punch. Those deranged smiles and that chilling laughter as Lucia bated them into their death when she unleashed Luz onto them, but seeing the look of fear the assassins had in their eyes the moment they looked over at Amelia and Amity made their hearts ache.

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