Chapter Eleven: Dinner with the Blights, Blessings, and the Wailing Stone

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"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello" - Sign Language
"Hello" - Luz's Deaf Accent
'Hello' - Thoughts

  ~{Blight Manor}~

Lucia's P.O.V

"AMITY WHAT HAPPENED?!!??!" screamed both her older sisters as they ushered us inside the manor. 

Amity tried to calm them both down but that didn't work as Edric, who was relaxing in the living room, rushed over to see what the commotion was and when he set eyes on his hurt little sister. 

He immediately passed Amity over to Amelia and grips onto the collar of my tanktop, his eyes flashing a bright amber," What did you do to my sister, you bastard!"

The older Blight sisters tried to calm down Edric, especially Amelia since she has seen what we were capable of, but his intimidation tactic didn't faze me one bit as I was still cool and collected while he bared his fangs at me angrily.

He reminded me of an irate cat that Luz and I would see around the city or down in the Tunnels but right now I couldn't comment on how adorable this kid was trying to intimidate a dragon.

I gently grabbed his wrist, Amelia yelling at Edric to back off this instant, and looked at him calmly in the eye," I would advise you Edric, to let me go and listen to your sister. Or else I will break your hands as I am not in the mood to deal with a kid who is trying to show off his bravado."

"How dare you! You-!"

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!!!" yelled two voices as they came down the stairs and into the family room.

The seven of us turn our heads toward the voice and saw that it was both Lord and Lady Blight in their casual home clothes. They both were out of breath a bit, probably since they ran from their room and down the stairs once they heard Edric yelling, and saw the scene in front of them it was Mrs.Odelia who act fast.

"Edric release her now!" Her eyes were filled with worry as she and her husband rushed over to Amity to check how she was. 

Edric followed his mother's order begrudgingly and told me under his breath that he has his eyes on me as I ignored him completely. I motioned Luz to follow me and to check on King's injuries while I stood next to Mrs.Odelia.

"Lucia, what happened? I was informed by the twins and the abomination crows that you, Luz, and King were with Amity the whole day at the library, so did this happen?" Her voice was deathly calm with a hint of anger as she held her youngest protectively in her arms.

I took a small breath and took out the scroll Luz and I share," After Amity gave us a tour of the library, King, Luz, and I spent most of the day researching magic and the history of the Isles to learn more of our new home. Amity joined us after cleaning up the twins' mess with the staff and invited us to go eat out at her favorite cafe. 

Once we reached the cafe, we were enjoying ourselves, and Amity and I were talking when Boscha Havenstar along with her posse came to our table. She started demeaning Amity, calling her her bride-to-be, and saying how she should listen to her and only her. Of course, being the stubborn and headstrong person she is, Amity refused and stood her ground but that angered the youngest Havenstar. She stepped forward and slapped Amity hard on the face, her long claw-like nails scratching it in the process, and making her bleed.

And King, being the kind and brave little guy he is, patched up Amity with the Obtain first-aid kit I got home on a shopping trip we had. Though he did get hurt in the process as well and as for the youngest Havenstar..."

I pulled up Penstagram and showed them the live stream of Luz teaching that Havenstar bitch, her cold threatening words were heard for all the Isles to hear as well as how she traumatized the stupid bitch with her new move.

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