Chapter Three: Rich Kid Drama With Two Dragons Part 1

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{Okay I was able to recover this chapter thank god but damn you have no idea how much anxiety I was having because Wattpad decided to glitch the fuck out of me TWT}

"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello "- Sign Language
'Hello' -   Thoughts

Lucia's P.O.V

After finally getting out of that confusing alley, Luz and I quickly put back on our zipped-up hoodies so that we wouldn't draw any more attention to ourselves since we were now walking with Amelia and her little sister Amity.

Luz didn't seem to mind them showing us to the not-dog stand or that they were telling us about the town, Bonesborugh, and where all the major landmarks were in case we got lost again which I am thankful for since parkour was off the table till we figure out how much of our strength we can use without doing property damage or accidentally killing someone.

King was already napping away in Luz's hood if the sound of his snoring was anything to go by. I smile softly at my little sister as she tried her best to communicate with Amelia with pen and paper but thanks to her ADHD squirrel brain, it didn't last long till she signs to me to translate.

I roll my eyes playfully and flick her forehead earning a glare from her as she started to kick my shins.

"So what were you and short stack talking about? My mind zoned out a bit while taking in the view of the town."

Amelia raised an eyebrow at me with an unimpressed look," I was telling your sister about some of the major landmarks of Boneborough like the public library, the market, and where to avoid the guards."

"Guards?" I remember Eda telling us about their realm's version of the police but Luz and I have yet to encounter them which made me a bit confused. If I haven't seen the police yet anywhere then what are the areas where they are most active?

"Yes, the Emperor's Coven soldiers," Amelia answered in a duh tone," Everyone here knows that they patrol the market and the majority of the public streets. That's why we are taking a back way toward the food section of the market. We do not need them taking you two away because of your brand."

There was that word again.

"Why does everyone call out tattoo a brand?" I asked with an annoyed looked on my face," This is pretty much normal where we're from granted of course we've had this tattoo for almost a decade."

"Wait almost a decade?? How old are you two??" She asked as she looked between us.

"I'm sixteen and Luz is fourteen," I told casually and Luz let out a small grunt.

Both of the Blight sisters' jaws dropped at our age and I couldn't help but laugh a bit at the sheer look of disbelief. I can't blame them though since we always were mistaken for adults back in our realm because of our height, looks, and the tattoo when people actually got a good look at it. Kinda reminds me of the time one of Madame Ofeila's girls tried to actually tried to have sex with me until she found out I was extremely underage at the time.

Poor girl still apologizes to this day about it while I just laugh it off and tell her that it's water under the bridge.

Anyway, Amity was the first to recover from the shock and coughs a bit to steady her voice.

"So you two are our age that's completely unbelievable!? You two are giants not to mention that you don't look like teenagers!!"

"Awwww Thank you Ami!!~" I translate for Luz as my little sister sends a flirty wink towards the little Blight, making her entire face look like a tomato. I look over at Amelia and saw that she was trying her best not to laugh at how flustered her little sister was getting.

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