Dinner with the Blights, Blessings, and The Wailing Stone Part 2

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"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello "- Sign Language
"Hello" - Luz's Deaf Accent
'Hello' - Thoughts

3rd P.O.V

"Could you season and tenderize the steaks, Luz?" Odelia asked the deaf assassin as she and King were inspecting ten different cuts of slitherbeast steaks," The seasonings are in the cabinet above you as well and the knives-."

Luz didn't let her finish as she quickly grabs the demon realm seasonings from the cabinet, smelling each and picking the ones that everyone will like, and was lost in thought on how to prepare them. An idea popped into her head immediately after a few moments of thinking,  and she started to season, tenderize, and toss all ten cuts of steaks up into the air. 

Both King and Odelia watch in pure awe as Luz uses her master chief skills to swiftly cut each cut of meat into skewer-sized chunks without missing a single beat. It still amazes them each time they see the gentle giant use her proficient skills with a blade to cook, especially King as he loves to watch and help his big sister in the kitchen when it was her turn to make breakfast or dinner.

Not gonna lie, was four to five times a week since his mom, even though she is a badass potionist, is an awful cook that isn't breakfast. King still has some bad dreams about the animated food rebellion that happened before his big sisters came into his life. Now he got to enjoy so many tasty treats and yummy food even if he had to eat disgusting vegetables now.

King, who standing on the step stool that Mrs.Odelia happily provided for him after he asked politely, tugs on his sister's jacket to get her attention," Luz? What are you making tonight?"

Luz smiles happily at the two, "I thought that since everyone is slightly on edge with all that happened with Amity and that bitch Havenstar, we would have an old fashion meat and veggie skewers!! "

King translated what his sister said to Odelia and she loved the idea," That sounds wonderful! And I finally have an excuse to use this!"

King and Luz look at the Blight matriarch in confusion as she pressed a button on the stove and they both watched in awe as the fancy-looking stove/oven transformed before their eyes into an abomination-themed grill!


Odeila chuckles softly and looked at it fondly," My husband is a very well-known abomination inventor and during our first few years of marriage, he went all out in fixing up the kitchen into the perfect little paradise for me when he saw that I was very fond of cooking. Of course, I never had the chance to use all the little gadgets and accessories he placed but I am happy to be able to use them now."

 Odeila has always loved the little things her husband did to her from giving her a shoulder massage after a hard day working at their company, watching the kids when they were witchling so that she could get some sleep, and especially when they were first starting as husband and wife. Alador, being the clumsy, awkward, nerd he is, would show his affection by inventing something that would make her life a bit easier or when he felt extremely brave, he would give her physical affection. 

He was never one for words as he found it very hard to communicate with others about anything that wasn't abomination related or inventing but when it came to his wife or children. He would read an endless amount of parenting books, timidly ask some of his co-workers about how to help his kids, or when they were finally alone in their room, have a late-night talk about how to help them. Alador adores his family and would move the heavens and the Isles to make sure they were safe and happy.

Luz grins happily at Odelia and nods in understanding," Lucia is the same way and so am I in a way. She and I show our affection with physical contact since we aren't too experienced with wording our thoughts."

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