Tech, Magic, and Why Luz is Always the Driver Part 3

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"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello "- Sign Language
'Hello' - Thoughts
"Hello" - Luz's Deaf Accents

3rd P.O.V

"For christ's sake..." Madame Ofelia sighs as King cheers his sisters on while they were duking it out in the yard.

Amity and Amelia, on the other hand, were yelling at them to stop fighting but their yelling fell on deaf ears as both dragons continued to fight on the dirt ground while both were insulting each other.

Eda was cheering on the carnage while Odelia just rolled her eyes at the whole thing.

She was completely used to seeing siblings fight each other since she did raise four magical children and two of them were her loveable but very mischievous twins. So she did one thing that any mother would do at this moment.

Odelia walked over to the two sisters who were about to start full-on fighting each other when all of sudden the air shifted ten degrees colder and both Lucia and Luz stopped fighting immediately, turning their heads slowly towards Mrs.Blight.

"Now girls," Odelia says with a menacingly smile as she summons two very large phantoms behind her," Your grandmother is talking to you two about the prizes you earned after yesterday's events. So, please. Behave."

Both Drakes looked at each other and gulped at the weird aura that was coming off Amelia and Amity's mother which was telling them that she wasn't a woman to cross.

They quickly stopped fighting and looked between their grandmother, who was just smiling softly since she was used to their roughhousing, and Odelia, who was now cheerfully smiling."

"We're sorry/ e orry."

"Good, now Sophia as you were saying?" Odelia happily says as she walks back to her children.

'Wow.....Now we know where the girls get it from.' They both thought at the same time as they turned their attention back to their grandmother.

"Like I was saying before you two started to brawl over arguing again, no I did not repair the Puma. I'm sorry Luz but no repairs could be done to the car as it some of the explosives and other sensitive components in the car transformed it into a massive fireball and destroyed half the building. So instead I bought you a new car of the same model which you can customize to your heart's content but I want you to do something for me."

Luz tilts her head in confusion, "What is it nana? "

Madame Ofelia gave her a thick vanilla envelope and to the surprise of the Boiling Isles residents, started signing to Luz," I need your ninja skills and the help of your tech in digging up some...information about certain people here in Bonebrough, Latissa, Shincity, and Kneeton. There will be more information on this little project as well as what you need to add to the car once you are done adding what you want."

Luz was now practically bouncing with excitement as she promises to do her absolute best but as well asked how can she work on all of this if her lab is now in the hands of the human realm police.

"Now that's the big prize to the both of you," Madame Ofelia pulls out a small crystal ball, and immediately a 3D-like image was shown in front of the drake sister and the Boiling Isle residents. The witches gasped at the image while Lucia and Luz had the biggest grins on their faces," The big prize for following my orders to the letter is building a state of an art workstation over at the Owl House for the two of you. One half with all the space, books, chalkboards, power, and tools for our human calculator will need for all her calculations and for her to operate her network. And the other half for our resident badass bookworm, enough space for her medical journals, books, a chemical lab to make much more potent potions and medical supplies, and training.

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