A Dance Of Jealsouly and Fire Part 3

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{Hmmm did anyone ask for some fan service for our two favorite human assassins? No? Well have it anyway as a treat >:3} 

"Hello " - Sigh Language 
"Hello" - Normal Speech
'Hello' - Thoughts

Lucia's P.O.V

"You have got to be shitting us right now guys..."

Both Luz and I gave the girls a deadpan look as we stood there in the dressing room in the newly designed costumes that will be used during the opening night of Madame Ofelia's new club that will be here in Bonesbrough.

"But Luucia~." Purred one of the girls as they teasingly traced their finger against my bare chest, which did nothing but annoyed me," You and Luz look so handsome in the costumes and I bet your girls will love it~."

I swatted her hand away gently but I couldn't hide the small blush that I could feel forming on my face as Luz just looked away from everyone, her face redder than mine at the thought of Amelia and Amity liking us in this costume. Though that bring more giggles from the other girls as they kept teasing us for our first crush.

The costume that the girls and the Madame have designed for me and Luz were inspired by Egyptian belly dancers and let me tell you this is the most annoying thing to get on with all the little gold jewelry, tight bands over my right shoulder, and wrists, the golden chocker, the weird style of pants and to top the whole outfit was small black band over my head. I am just grateful that they decided to leave out the flowy piece of cloth and the one puffy thing for one of our arms.

Both Luz and I were wearing matching colors which were black with crimson red highlights but mirrored where the bands and cuffs were placed on us. I could tell she was not having a fun time with her costume as she tugged and pulled slightly on her pants and chocker, an indication that it was too tight and uncomfortable for her.

"Do I have to wear this dumb thing? It's cold and uncomfortable and the fabric is rough! " Luz complains as she wanted nothing more than to rip this costume off and burn it.

"We can get it in some of the cloth that won't make you break out Luz," Alexandra says as she makes some last-minute alterations to our costumes before the practice run," But right now the Madame wanted to see how the prototype outfit looks like before we make the final one for opening night."

We both sigh softly and accepted our fate as Alexandra steps back and all the other girls start to gush over us at how 'yummy' we look in our outfits. I could feel my patience starting to run a bit thin at this very moment but that was short-lived when both Madame Ofelia and Eda came through the door. 

The moment Eda saw us in our costumes, she burst out laughing and had to lean up against the door frame at the sight was seeing.

"H-Holy titan you two haha!! What the fuck are you wearing?!" Luz and I just rolled our eyes as we expected Eda to laugh at how ridiculous we looked at this very moment.

"You are looking at the second to last prototype model of the Arabian costumes that will be used on my opening night." Madame Ofelia says as she smacks Eda upside the head for laughing, which didn't stop the issue and just made him laugh more," This is your final punishment as I really do need models with your similar body to test out the clothes and if we can't find suitable dancers in time for the big night then..."

"Yeah yeah we know, we will have to step up to be your dancers again." I let out an annoyed sigh as I rub my temple," I swear woman, Luz and I are more bodyguards than dancers and-!"

"Enough of that Lucia," Madame says as her eyes look sharply at me, making my stomach squirm a bit," Both of you have many talents that do not just revolve around killing, technology, and other gauche types of skills. You two dance wonderfully as well as charm anyone with your individuality and quirks."

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