A Basliks In My Fourth Period Part 4

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"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello " - Sign Language
"Hello" - Luz's Deaf Accent
'Hello' - Thoughts

Lucia's P.O.V

'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!' I yelled in my mind as I watched my baby sister losing her shit on this monster,' I need to get to Luz before she destroys the entire school!!'

After I sent Viney and the others to the gym with an unconscious Amity, Luz went ultimately into rampage mode, and dear god. This one was way more destructive than her last one and judging from the uncoordinated slashes, the unnecessary swings, and the complete disregard for collater damage. She was at the mercy of her emotions and revenge to the point she would not stop till she killed the Greater Basliks.

Right now Amelia and I were huddled behind a massive chunk of rubble as we both watched Luz unleash wave upon wave of high condensed light magic with each swing of her blade. Spider-like veins were beginning to appear starting from the corners of her eyes and forehead and spreading down to her neck. Her uniform was completely torn to shreds with only her grey leggings and the bottom half of her tunic still intact which allowed us to see her dragon tattoo reacting to her rage. 

My eyes widened in awe as I saw the once-stilled image of the mighty mythical beast of the sky come to life as it began to swirl around Luz's torso, the golden light surrounding it shining brightly. Blood, bits of the Basliks' flesh, and chunks of the body decorated the once pristine white walls in dark crimson blood like some kind of Pollack splash paint art. 

"I-Is that really Luz...?" Amelia asked with fear in her voice as her body was trembling from just looking at the rampaging teen. 

I nodded sadly and grit my teeth as I dug around my school bag," Yes, and it's way worse than the last time she had one of her rampages."

"She's been like this before?!"

I gave my soon-to-be mate an apologetic smile as I took out a small penlike device filled with what looks like a clear liquid in the glass chamber," The last time Luz was like this we were in over in Venezuela. We were asked to check up on one of Nana's girls' family and to send them some money but when we arrived in the village, don't remember the name of the godforsaken place now, we the place getting robbed by some local gang as a 'protection tax'.

Luz and I couldn't do anything about it since A.) It's not our turf, B.) They don't work the same as the Tunnels nor the gangs affiliated with it, and C.) If we did anything to agitate them then we would be putting those people in more trouble than they already were in. Anyway, once we got to the hut the family was living in. We were greeted by an elderly woman and a boy about Xavier's age. They allowed us in their house with open arms, really nice people, and asked me how her daughter/boy's mother was. You know the normal shit and we told her she was healthy, enjoying working under Madame Ofelia, and then told them we were here to deliver some money to them and- ."


The entire building started to shake as Luz sent the enormous serpent flying into the walls. I cursed out loud and turned on the device before I faced Amelia," Storytime for later! Look Am, I'm about to do something that might be both reckless and completely dangerous but you have to trust me okay? No matter what and I mean it! Do. Not. Try. To. Stop. Me."

Amelia looked at me completely confused as she looks at the pen in my hand," Lucia what are you-?"




She looked at me for a solid minute and after thinking it through, she grabbed the front of my shirt and quickly pulled me into a heated kiss," I swear to the titan you better come back to me in one piece Lucia Drake or else I will burn your ass alive!"

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