Part 1: A Trip Down Memory Lane Part 4

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"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello" - Sign Laugange
"Hello" - Luz's Deaf Accent
'Hello' - Thoughts

{The Owl House: Living Room}

3rd P.O.V

The moment Amity and Alador came into the house, pandemonium awaited them. Odalia, Eda, and Madame Ofelia were in a loud and very aggressive shouting match with the school board and the parents who were a part of the photo class that day with an equally angry Bump backing them up. This had never happened before in the history of Hexside, not even when Eda, the biggest troublemaker in the school's history, ever did something this dangerous during the class.

While those three were chewing out the parents and the hesitant board members, most likely they were bribed already by the person who actually did it, Amity felt her heart shatter as she turned her sights to the massive pile of plushies, the softest pillows that could be found in the house and both Luz and Lucia laying there in the middle of it all. 

King and Amatus were lying on their blanket-covered chests and let out some worried whimpers as Amelia was making sure that nothing else happened to the two. From what she could see, both the girls were out of their school clothes and into PJs. They weren't smoking or sweating anymore from the fire but they both looked as if they were trapped in a never-ending nightmare.

Amity quickly walked over to her sister, sitting next to her, and gently took her hand as she looked at how tired and worried Amelia was while she gazed at her mate.

"Did you find anything?" Amelia asked gently as she gently ran her fingers through Lucia's short yet wild hair. She teared up a bit and smiled gently as Lucia let out a small content hum and slowly nuzzled against her palm. Her face for a split eased up a bit but then she let out a terrified whimper and nuzzled more into the comforting touch.

"I did...Amelia you, Mom, and Madame Ofelia are not gonna like it."

Amelia told her to just tell her so that their parents could finally get the person who did this to their mates, but her entire demeanor changed. She gently pulled her shaking hand away from Lucia's face, fearing she might hurt her more than what she was already going through, and balled it into a tight fist. 

"Amity...When we are done here," Amelia said in a calm yet deadly voice as she bared her sharp fangs in anger," We all are heading down to Havenstar Manor and finally putting an end to all of this. If they do not comply, then I hope they are ready to have their proud name dragged into the dirt, their assets seized, and every single one of their bones and limbs broken one by one! 

They will know what happens when you dare lay a finger on a Blight's mate!"

By now the adults had finished talking and came over to the girls and sleeping toddlers. Eda and Madame Ofelia looked ready to murder the whole school but it was Odalia who calmed them both down before they could do anything hasty. Alador was there behind her, giving her both the physical and emotional support she needed right now, and looked over at the girls to give them the news.

"Principal Bump has been informed about the evidence we have obtained in the classroom," He starts softly," There will be a full-scale investigation and he along with some trusted staff will be the ones to lead it. Even though we have evidence to suspect the Havenstar girls. We still don't have enough for those two to serve time so for now let him deal with it while we help Lucia and Luz."

He turned his attention to Eda and gave her a small now as she sat down on the ground across the girls and next to her daughters," There is a way to fix their damaged memories but it is highly dangerous and also sorta illegal, which isn't a problem when you are the most wanted witch on the Isles.

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