Chapter Eighteen: Talks and Video Games

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{The Holidays are over, my schedule is now semi-back on track, and I am a couple of weeks away from graduation yall! I'm sorry for the late update into the New Year but this writer has been traveling so much xD. I hope you all enjoy and I hope you all enjoying the New Year!!}

"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello "- Sign Language
"Hello" - Luz's Deaf Accent
'Hello' - Thoughts

{A Few Days Later: The Drakes Sisters Lair}

Lucia's P.O.V

"Oh, son of bitch! I keep dying to the Godskin duo fuck," I cursed angrily to the TV screen as the controller Luz made specifically for me creaked a bit in my grip, but I learned my lesson the last time I broke one.

'Luz would kill me again and put a lock on all my souls' games for another month if I break another one.'

"Still dying to those two?"

Groaning softly and pressing the home button on the PS5, I flop onto my stomach in defeat as my loving girlfriend comes over to see my miserable state. She just rolled her eyes at how dramatic I was being over a silly game and gave me a small kiss on the head.

"Since you are taking a moment to cool down," She grabs her controller, a cute cherry blossom-themed one that Luz had made for her when making Amity's," I'm going to finish up my mission on Nioh. I finally got past the second boss and I finally got access to the main map."

Once I felt the couch dip, I immediately crawled over toward my girlfriend and promptly laid my head on her lap. This was my happy place and I would proudly say that Amelia's thighs felt so soft and amazing. I couldn't help but let out a happy hum as Amelia played with my hair while reading over the mission and changing her armor and weapons. I was completely taken aback when I saw Luz teaching the girls how to play the various games we had for our consoles and PCs.

At first, they did struggle and there are moments when Amity wants to punch the screen with her abomination gauntlet, but after some trial and error. The girls found which type of games they loved to play the most. I wasn't surprised that Amity loved life-simulations games like Stardew, Potion Permit, and the Sims but it wasn't until she started playing some of the JRPGs Luz and I had that she was getting sucked in. This just made my baby sister fall even harder for her and they would spend hours either texting, orb calling, or in the lair talking about whatever game they were playing together in depth. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they were writing fanfics about their favorite ships from them.

But when it came to Amelia's tastes, my jaw dropped.

She too liked to play some of the games our younger siblings play but when I showed her Monster Hunter, From Software games, and even some of my mature games. She instantly fell in love with them. However, I got one hell of a lecture when she learned what Cathrine Full Body was and then got royally punished. I caved in after two days of no hugs or kisses, much to the amusement of our families.

This was what we did for our date days and today was a bit special since our younger siblings weren't here with us. Amity wanted to take Luz on a more in-depth tour of Bonesbrough and show her some of her favorite places to go. My little sister was completely excited to see more of our new home, and Mom even gave her some extra money for their little date.

'I wonder how they are doing in town,' I thought to myself as watched Amelia take on the second main story boss,' Knowing Amity, she will be taking her to the bookstores and probably somewhere to eat.'

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