Rich Kid Drama With Two Dragons Part 4

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~Evening: Blight Manor~

Amelia's P.O.V

"Titan damnit, why are runic sequences so fucking confusing!?!"

It's already been an hour since I arrived home from the library and let me tell you I'm literally torturing myself with the one thing I have no talent in.

What you may ask is my worst talent? It's fucking number more specifically runes and runic sequences. Edric and Amity have no problems when it comes to anything revolving around numbers be it for their respective magic track or at home experimenting in the individual labs mother and father created for each of us.

Emira has some trouble when it comes to some problems with the sequences but she just needs to take a bit more extra time to fully get the hang of it. On the other hand, this shit never clicked for me as it does for my younger siblings. Our parents saw that I had more trouble with these than the others so from the age of ten to now, Father takes the time some nights to help me with my homework when it comes to runes and numbers. He never saw it as a chore or anything negative. He actually enjoys the small window of time we have together those nights and even gives me tips on how to remember the steps or advice with school when I have issues but tonight he and my mother were doing a demo at one of their private auction. 

I was in the middle of rereading how to solve a really tricky problem when Amity came into my room and judging by the exotic smell, she brought dinner.

"Hey Am, I brought some food for you so why not take a small break from studying."

I sigh in defeat and take off my reading glasses as I turn to my baby sister. To my surprise it wasn't the usual dinner mother would prepare for us when she and father leave for us on auction night. Amity had a plate of some kind of white grain things with a somewhat thick meaty stew with vegetables next to them. It smells so delicious and spicy! 

"What's this Amity?" I asked as I take the plate from her hands," I don't recognize this dish and I know for sure mother was in an experimental mood in the cooking department today."

I ate a spoon full of the unfamiliar food and immediately went in for another bite as the complex yet amazing flavors of the dish were making me want to eat more. 

'What the titan is this dish!? It's spicy but not too much so that it makes me want to eat a tub of ice scream and the savoriness of the sauce along with the meat pairs so amazingly well with the weird white grains!!!'

Amity was laughing softly behind her hand from my reaction to the food and answered my previous question," This dish is called curry more specifically spicy beef curry in this case. I'm not the one who made nor was mother it was actually Luz who made it."

I looked at my sister in surprise as she revealed that it was the younger Drake that made this amazing food.

"You met up with Luz and Lucia today?"

She nods and smiles softly," I did but actually I kinda ran into them on my way back from school with Wionna and Willow. They were training in the forest clearing, you know the same one the four of us would use for magic practice. They were sparring with weird objects in their hands and their movements were something I thought only ever happened in books. I could barely keep up with them but once I made movement they sense me and the Parks. After that, we all ate the food Luz prepared for us since she was really hungry."

We both laughed at that as it was also the same way we became acquainted with the Drake sisters in the first place. I would be lying if I wasn't a little jealous of my little sister as she got to talk and know more about Luz and Lucia but I also that she is holding something back as well.

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