Healing and Discovery: Part 3

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"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello" - Sign Language
"Hello" - Luz's Deaf Accent
'Hello' - Thoughts

~{The Owl House: Dinner Time}~

Amelia's P.O.V

 "Hoot, Hoot!! Here inside guys!! Tonight's storm looks like a bad one!" Hooty said with urgency as he quickly opened his door for us just as the first drops of boiling rain were beginning to fall.

Once Amity, Mom, Edric, Emira, and I were safely in the comfort of the Owl House, Hooty pressed a button by his door and let out a happy hoot as a massive and powerful shield spell was unleashed. Amity and Ed were amazed by both the power and the beautiful chrome color of the shield.

"Woah!!" Ed exclaimed as he pressed his face against the window," What kind of spell is this!!"

"Impressive, right?" 

We all jumped a bit from the sudden sound of Eda's voice, which made her snort a bit in amusement, as she points her finger over to the button by Hooty's door," On Lucia and Luz's first boiling rain storm, they saw how much it drains me of magic so like the little nerd they are. They both made it one of their pet projects in making an automatic shield spell that can both be used whenever and accessible to Hooty when we aren't home."

Ed's eyes lit up immediately and bombarded Eda with questions on how the spell works while Em facepalms a bit at her nerdy brother and Mom smiles in amusement at her only son. Eda let out a hearty laugh a motions everyone towards the kitchen where she prepared dinner and some drinks but stopped both Amity and me by the stairs.

"Hey, do you two mind waking up the rugrats upstairs?" She asks," They're in their shared room. You can't miss it as it has a big sign with their door."

"Of course Ms. Eda, we would love to!" Amity excitedly says as her eyes brightened up at the mention of getting to see her soon-to-be mate's room.

"Just Eda, Boots, now off you go, and if you know anything else happens. Make sure to send Amatus and King down before then."

Both our faces right now must've been as red as a tomato, because Eda was laughing her ass off at how embarrassed we were. She then says that she knows that we wouldn't do anything too inappropriate with everyone around but she also made sure to tell us about the three inches rule with the door when we all hit the sack. I wanted nothing more than to yell at this witch and hide for the rest of the night as the thoughts going through my head were not PG-friendly, but once the Owl Lady had her fun. She waves us off to wake up our mates along with their baby brother and my little fur baby.

'Don't Amatus, momma coming to give you a big hug!' I thought happily as I was still very mad at the beast-keeping teacher for trying to separate my poor little baby from Lucia. He's still a little pup and he loves Lucia to bits to the point he would follow her into the bathroom. The number of times she's told me about having to hold him on her lap while she is using the toilet and holding him in her arms while she showers is too much to count, but I do love the adorable bubble bath pictures she would take of him and King.

"Hey Am," Amity said softly, snapping me out of my thoughts as she points to a door a somewhat big sign on it," I think this is their room."

I took a closer look at the nameplates and giggle a bit at what I read.

Beware Lair of Lucia, Luz, King, And Amatus!!

The Boiling Isles's Most Badass Siblings and Baby!!!

All but Mom, Nana, and Lucia/Luz's Mates Are Not Allowed In!!!!


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