Part 1: A Trip Down Memory Lane Part 3

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"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello" - Sign Lanugage
"Hello" - Luz's Deaf Accent
'Hello' - Thoughts

3rd P.O.V

"Man, I am starving!!" Lucia said loudly as her stomach made it known to the world with a mighty growl," So what's on the menu for today's picnic?"

Luz set that huge boxed lunch and opened it up to show a massive haul of fried griffin nuggets shaped like dinosaurs with fried fairy wings and fruit for her and Amatus, grilled griffin and goreberry salads that the girls loved, some steak and veggies for Lucia, and dessert was actually provided by the girls as both Amity and Amelia made everyone a homemade fairy pie. Everyone grabbed their respective tray and ate happily as they were telling each other about their classes. 

The Drake sisters listened happily to their mates-to-be and smiled lovingly at the two witches. Lucia loved to hear her girlfriend talk about her abomination class and about her latest experiment with using different materials, but what the other witches didn't know about the eldest Blight was that she was a big fucking nerd when it came to beast-keeping magic. She and Edric were animal and beast lovers like their mother's side of the family and were very talented in their field. Her love of beast-keeping magic amplified when Amatus came into their lives and sometimes when they had sleepovers either at the manor or at the Owl house. Lucia would play with Amelia's mane of green hair while she read through tome after tome of beast info books about Siltherbeast.

But as the two dragons were enjoying their small double date with their mates and about to dig into their food. Everything went completely wrong.

It happened in a flash as both Luz and Lucia collapsed onto the ground, thrashing and screaming out in pure agony with their head in their hands, as their tattoos began to flash frantically and smoke coming out of their ears. This level of pain they were experiencing was nothing they'd ever felt before. It was as if something or someone was pouring pure magma into their brains and ripping apart each neuron one by one till there was nothing left. 

Amelia was the first to act and ordered Amity to quickly call their parents and Eda as she used her abomination magic to restrain the two, who by now were trying to fight off purple goop as if they were afraid of it. It took all her willpower to uncase both their hands and feet in a thick and strong enough casing that they weren't able to break, but when she tried to go and check them to see what was causing them so much pain.

Her blood ran ice cold as if someone had just frozen it solid as she watched both Drakes. Two of the bravest, strongest, and most courageous people she knew. Cowar in unadulterated fear with eyes so innocent yet broken that it broke her heart horribly. When she tried to reach out to Lucia, her imprint mark flared up painfully as she felt the fear and confusion coming from Lucia in waves. 

"P-Please..W-We don't want to hurt anymore... We're sorry if we u-upset you please..." Lucia cried in a small fearful voice as she looked up at the tall Blight with large crocodile tears running down her face while trying to put herself in front of her little sister. 

Luz was in a much worse state as she was having an overload from how sensitive everything was around her now. She began to wail, cry, and try to call out but her speech wasn't as refined as it was just moments ago. It sounded as if she was a one-year-old trying to speak for the first time while her face turned bright red, tears, and snot coming down her face, and trying so hard to call out for anyone to comfort her. 

"Aaa!! AMA!!! MMA!!!

This shook both witches down to their very core as they watched their mates break down right there before their eyes. Nothing brought them more fear than what they were experiencing right now as both witches felt completely helpless in what to do in this situation, but they were Blights. The brightest of their year groups and right now their mates needed them more than ever.

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