Dragons Vs. Owl Beast and The Mystery of The Tattoos Part Two

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"Hello" - Normal Speech
'Hello'- Thoughts
"Hello"- Sign Language

Lucia's P.O.V

~{Lucia's Dream/Memory}~

"Lucia look!! I caught a really big one!!" Luz happily signs as she shows me the massive trout she caught as we were on a small vacation down in the Smoky Mountains.

She was ten at the time and just starting her growth spurt as she was now standing at a proud five feet six and a half inches.

She was grinning ear to ear in her swimming trunks, dark purple swimming shirt, rubber boots, and wild curl hair free from her beanie.

"That's great bubba!" I said happily as Luz ran over to me, placing her treasure and our dinner, on the table so that I could teach her how to prepare it. My little sister was so excited when she found out that we were going on our first camping trip away from Cain, the Santiago Gang, The Tunnels, and everything.

She was so happy driving down from Connecticut to the Smokeys, telling me about all the pretty colors she got to see, the different types of birds and trees, the surprisingly kind people who gave her little extra sweets for being polite, and finally being able to be her age without the worry of anyone punishing her.

Nature had always been Luz's safe space regardless of where she was be it the Aokigahara Forest in Japan, the cold yet calming winter forest of Abisko in Sweden, and now here in Tennessee. My little sister found joy and peace within Mother Nature's embrace as she gave Luz somewhere to be when everything became too much. You would be surprised the number of times that I would watch Luz sit calmly under a tree and the animals who lived in the forest would gently surround her. The soft giggles that came out of her when either a baby deer or wolf would nuzzle her cheek affectionately.

Luz gently places the fish on top of the cutting board and started bouncing happily as I picked up my knife.

I gently guided my sister through the steps of descaling, cutting, and preparing the fish, making sure that she know exactly what to do and watching as the smile on her face grew with each passing moment we spent together. 

Many down in the Tunnels had asked me time and time again what was my greatest treasure, my mind for its powerful memory and the ability to obtain knowledge with little to no trouble, or my strong and durable body that could destroy anyone who got in my way.

I never told them because then they would know my one and only weakness because my treasure is...

~{End Of Lucia's Dream/Memory}~


I immediately opened my eyes to the sound of deadly lightning and something loud being knocked over in the living room.

Now stuff falling onto the ground is basically the norm in the Owl House as King would always fall from the cabinets in the kitchen when he was trying to sneak in extra snacks before dinner and bedtime or when Luz accidentally drops training gear in the kitchen after every session while Eda jokingly complains about her denting the wood. So I know the sound and feeling of either King or Luz in the house.

But it wasn't them who I heard in the living room...

As quietly as I could, I climb out of my hammock and activated my gauntlets, setting them to stun as I did not want any accidents while I went to investigate. 

I looked over at the other side of the room to see Luz's hammock still empty with Lottie resting on her pillow and her weighted Azura blanket folded up neatly on top of her personal chest that Eda gave us after our first week of living here on the Isles. 

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