A Snow Date With Two Dragons and A Baby Slitherbeast Part 3

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"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello "- Sign Language
'Hello' - Thoughts
"Hello" - Luz's Deaf Accent

Lucia's P.O.V

"BACK UP NOW!!!" I yelled to the Blights but it was no use as they were all frozen in shock. 

Luz and I had encountered our fair share of wild animals both here on the Isles and in the human realm but regardless if it was a massive beast with magic or something as little as a raccoon. They are still animals who are solely dependent on their instincts.

So without a single second spare, We both jumped into the air and sent the beast flying back ten feet, a safe distance away from the Blights and enough time for them to get back, with a flying karate kick. 

I did a back flip midair and cocked my gauntlets as I get into my signature fighting pose, ready to throw down if this beast makes a move toward us. 

Luz landed next to me with her blades not transformed into her bow, ready to give me long-range support, and her eyes still a bright crimson when her eyes widened at the spot the Slitherbeast had just stood seconds ago. 

"Lucia look! " She pointed at the four massive footprints and when I took a closer look, my eye too widened at the tremendous amount of blood that was there. I quickly deactivated my gauntlets and investigated the footprints and then looked at the now weak and haggard beast as it just lay in the snow whimpering and howling softly in pain.

"Luz, go check on the beast and remember that it is still a wild animal so be cautious." 


Luz quickly dashed over to the Slitherbeast as I went over to the Blights to make sure they were alright along with checking up on the kids. 

"Are you guys okay?" I checked over all four of the Blights just in case the Slitherbeast was able to get them and they all nod quietly. There were no scratches, marks, or any sign of injuries so that was a relief.

But this was just too weird, Slitherbeast natively lives higher up on the Knee because of their thick heavy fur and are usually peaceful beasts unless provoked.  So why the hell was on this far down from its lair and more importantly.

What caused it to bleed so much?

"Lucia, what's going on?" Amity asked as I went to calm down the terrified little ones.

"I don't know Amity," I answered honestly," Luz went to check on the Slitherbeast since she has more experience dealing with animals, and the majority of them actually like her so we just have to-"

"UCIA!!! BRING THE RST AID NOW!!!!" Luz yelled in a slight panic.

Without a moment to lose, I grab the heavy-duty first aid kit I always keep on hand and me and the little ones run over to Luz, who is now shirtless and covered in a bit of blood as she used the garment as a makeshift wrap for one of the damaged legs. By this time Amelia and Amity had rushed over while the twins stayed where they are out of fear the monster might get them.

I ordered the kids to stay by the sisters' side as I dropped down next to Luz and cringed at the sight I was seeing.

"Who could've done this..." 

All four of the legs around the ankle area were a nasty shade of dark purple, the claws that were once sharp were now dull and cracking, and the bulking body of the beast was just from the magic-resistant fur as the massive scorched patch showed that it was skin and bones now, but that wasn't made me worry for this animals life.

What made me worry was the big belly it desperately tried to protect with all its might.

"This looks like the work of poachers," Amelia said grimly while holding Tony in her arms as Luz and I made work of disinfecting and patching up this poor animal," There had been some sightings of them in the area lately but I thought they had already left by now..."

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