A Snow Date With Two Dragons and A Baby Slitherbeast Part 4

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{ I'm back from my trip! So who's ready for some blood, torture, dark shit, and tears?}

"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello "- Sign Language
"Hello"- Luz's Deaf Accent
'Hello' - Thoughts 

3rd P.O.V

"Lucia, is the mommy beasty gonna be okay?" Little Tony asked Lucia sleepily as he was ready for bed in his super soft, warm spiderman footed pajamas. 

All three children were snuggled on a massive king-sized air mattress in their sleeping bags inside the tent. The girls had long since been in dreamland and now it was their little brother's turn to join them but he was doing his absolute best to fight off the growing sleepiness that was gnawing at him since dinner.

Lucia gave the little boy a tender smile and ran her fingers gently through his hair," Yes bubba, she will just fine. Remember Luz and I will be outside making sure that the mommy beasty will be okay."

She gently gives the sleepy child a small kiss on his forehead," Now you need to get to bed since little boys...?"

"Need sleep to grow up big...and strong like you *yawns* and Luz." He said with a small tired smile. 

"Exactly bubba," Lucia nodded and chuckled softly as Tony curled up in his sleeping bag with his teddy bear in his arms, and in no time. He too joined his sisters in dreamland with a small smile on his face. Lucia stayed and watched the children sleep soundly for a while to make sure that they all were in a deep sleep before doing a last-minute check on the heater she put on for them and making sure that their air mattress will stay up. 

She knew the kids wouldn't wake till the next morning thanks to two melatonin gummies she snuck into their dinner desserts which was a small bowl of their favorite fruit snacks. She and Luz needed them to be sound asleep tonight, especially with what her sister had found out during her little survey around the area after eating. Turns out both sisters were right about poachers following the trail of destruction the Slitherbeast left when it escaped their camp.

They are on the lookout for the expecting mother and it wasn't a small group who got extremely lucky. 

It was a massive nomadic tribe of poachers...

Luz had spotted them about six miles away from the camp and from her description of them, they were not the friendly type either. There were about forty or fifty of them in the tribe and luckily there were no children to be seen nor did she pick up anything on her drone scanners to indicate that there was anyone besides full-fledged adults. It was a small blessing in disguise but they couldn't dwell on it any longer as the tribe of hunters was getting closer to their camp and closer to their weak Slitherbeast.

Lucia gave the kids a small tender smile and when she completely left the tent, she activated the magic-repellent force field and alarm up on the tent. 

'That will hold till we get back and thankfully Alador and Luz have been going a fucking inventing and upgrading spree since the night of the wailing star...Well, I'm just glad she was able to find someone who can keep up with her computer brain.' She chuckled to herself as she also activated the one for the Blight siblings' tent.

Amelia and Amity had suspected something was off with their mates after Luz came back from her 'small hike' but they didn't say anything. Both sisters knew that their dragons would come to them when they are ready to speak or when they have finished whatever they needed to do in order to keep everyone safe. So before they all went to bed, Amelia and Amity gave their mates a small kiss on their cheeks and made them promise to be safe.

Now it was half an hour before midnight and the pale glowing moon was the only source of light that the sisters had as they stood by the edge of their camp in all-white clothing along with a white mask that covered their nose and mouth while their eyes were behind infrared goggles. 

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