A Dance of Jealously and Fire Part 2

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{First Aid/ Check Up Room}

Amelia's P.O.V

"Hi, Flora!" Lucia says in a gentle yet friendly tone to the coughing infant in the arms of what I believe to be the mother," You've gotten so big since your last check-up."

I stood against the pristine white wall of what Lucia explained earlier: a small doctor's room with chairs, a large plush bench, cabinets filled with so many different medicines and herds I've never seen before and so many other medical instruments that I can faintly recognize from my time at the healer's clinic. Lucia was bent down to the petite coughing infant's level as the mother of the child giggled softly.

I've never seen Lucia act so...gentle and soft before and as I watch how she examines the small baby, I could feel that all too familiar red bubble forming in my chest as Lucia looks up at the mother.

The woman in question had to be one of the most beautiful women I've ever laid eyes on. She was of average height, slim yet very curly around her waist, beautiful long wavey dirty blonde hair, peachy pale skin, and the bright pair of green eyes I've ever gazed upon. If you were to pick up some of the fashion magazines in town or look through some of the pictures of some of the Boiling Isle's hottest models, this woman would probably be every witch and demon's wet dream.

"When did the symptoms start appearing and what have you been doing to help ease her discomfort, Alexandra?"

Alexandra looks down at her whimpering child and gently rubs her daughter's cheek, making the baby coo softly," Two days ago, she was perfectly normal in the morning be it a bit fussy since she didn't want to wake up yet. She still had her ravenous appetite while I breastfed her but once it was time for me to go on my shift at the club, she started vomiting and crying hard. I checked her temperature and saw she had a small fever and quickly went through the journals you made for all the new moms whenever the babies are sick and followed them but her fever keeps going up and down."

Her voice was quivering towards the end as Flora sniffs and tries to wiggle out of her mother's warm arms.

"Okay, you did the right thing Alex so please do not blame yourself." She gave the mother a small smile as she gently takes Flora into her arms," I'll do the usual examination and give a quick scan to see exactly what she's fighting."

After reassuring Alexandra once more that her daughter will be right as rain, Lucia quickly and effortlessly went through the motions of what professional healers did in their clinics. She checked the baby's weight, growth, heart rate, and temperature. She would gently coo and pull silly faces at the small child as she wiggled or cries whenever something didn't feel comfortable.

After doing what she was doing, she gently hands back the now sleeping baby back to her mother," Flora is going to be just fine, she just caught a small fairly weak strain of the flu, and it's taking her a while to fight it. Just please make sure she takes this and monitor her for the next twenty-four hours. If anything happens just call me on my phone and I quickly get her."

Alexandra thanked Lucia over and over again as she gently takes the medicine and walls out of the room with relief.

Once the door was firmly closed, I looked over at Lucia," Lucia can I ask you something?"

She hums softly, indicating that she was listening as she cleaned up around the room," Are you a healer? Like a certified one?"

She shook her head softly and makes some notes on a small booklet, "No I am not certified. You would need to go to school and like I told your sister and her friends. Luz and I never finished school and only made it to second grade until we dropped out."

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