Chapter Fifteen: Healing and Discovery

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{Hey, guys!! I'm back from my trip and let me tell you I had an absolute blast I will definitely go back soon. But now it's time for me to go back to grind and give you all that you have been waiting for!!! I hope you all enjoy it!!!}

"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello "- Sign Language
"Hello" - Luz's Deaf Accent
'Hello' - Thoughts

{Hexside Gymnasium: An Hour Later}

3rd P.O.V


"WHERE ARE MY CHILDREN/BRATS!!!!!" Both Odalia and Eda screamed out as they burst through the gymnasium doors in panic. 

After the majority of the faculty and staff woke up from their magic being restored in them, they all made quick work of informing the parents and guardians of each and every student of the school as well as getting a massive group of some of Bonesbrough's top healers to come and help. Bump had the unfortunate task of informing both the Blights and The Owl Lady about the condition of their children and right now he wanted to be anywhere but there with how frantic and worry-stricken these two women were.

Bump took a deep breath to brace himself and quickly went over to the distraught mothers, first giving Odalia the good news," Lady Blight. Amelia, Emira, Edric, and Amity are completely fine and are now being checked by some of the healers from the healing coven."

This instantly calmed down one mother but the other, the more physical one, couldn't take to waiting anymore waiting and was about to reach out to her former principal, grab the front of his fancy robes, and shake him till he told her where her brats were until the familiar pained screams of her youngest daughter filled the air.


Eda didn't waste any more time and ran over to the emergency tent, completely ignore the shouts of her old friend and principal, and busted through the tent flaps but what greeted her was something straight out of a horror novel.

"STRAP HER DOWN!!!" A healer ordered about twenty healers and some of the healing students in the tent," USE YOUR RESTRAINT MAGIC IF YOU HAVE TOO!!! IF SHE MOVES TOO MUCH THEN SHE WILL SUFFER MORE!! GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR NOW WITCHES!!!"

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!! UCIA!!! MAMA!!! ING!!!" A cast-up and frightened Luz roared out in pure agony, tears running down her red face, as she tried to break free from the restraints. She twist and turned her body and head as she tried to look for anything or anyone familiar to her but with the bright witch lights, one of her eyes patched up with heavy bandaging, and being surrounded by healers in multi-colored cloaks. Luz's were turned up to the max and nothing the healers were doing was helping as she was fighting them off during her destructive meltdown.

None of the students nor a handful of experienced ones wanted to go anywhere near Luz but Eda wasn't as weak-willed so she pushed her way forcefully through the scared witches, ignoring all the healers telling her to get back, and made her way into view of her terrified daughter.

'Okay, breath um...What did Lucia tell me to do when Luz was going through one of her meltdowns? Come on think!' She scolded herself as she tried to recall one of the small lessons she had with Lucia, but when she couldn't think back to anything. She knew that she had to wing it as best as she can and prey to the Titan that when she starts helping her youngest daughter her memory will come back to her. 

So without any more stalling, Eda slowly starts walking into Luz's line of view in a very calm and relaxed manner. When Luz noticed someone coming closer to her, her eyes shifted into crimson and started to growl. Though when she saw her mom, her body started to relax just a tiny bit.

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