A Dance of Jelasously and Fire Part 4

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{Desclamier: Be Prepared for a lot of gore, blood, and the Drakes being complete savages.}

"Hello " - Sign Language
'Hello ' -  Thoughts
"Hello " - Normal Speech

Lucia's P.O.V

Something in my brain clicked when she said to take care of our unwanted guests.

"How would you like us to take care of them, Madame Ofelia?" I asked in an emotionless tone as a sinister smile grew on both of our faces. 

The Madame pretended to ponder on this for a small moment but I can tell just by the way her smile widened and that devilish twinkle in her eyes, that Luz and I are going to have fun with this.

"A propose a little game to you both~!"

I stomp my foot hard two times against the floor, alerting Luz to 'listen' to what exactly this game was going to entail as Eda, King, and the Blight women watched on in both horror and interest.

"As I have already told you, I will be opening a new club here in Bonesbrough in a month but I have been having some issues with the finishing touches. So here is the game I have for you two!"

She claps her and gives us a sweet and innocent smile, but her eyes held a much darker request," Kill all the guards in the most spectacular gory way possible as a message that I am not a woman you want to mess with nor can they harm this family. Do that and I will see about getting some of your favorite toys here at the Isles as well as upgrading the Owl House's defenses as a reward for winning the game, but I have one condition with this game."

She taps her acrylic nail onto the glass screen of the monitor on top of the live image of Lilith Clawthrone," She is to be captured and brought to me alive and unharmed unless she fights, are we clear?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Then go."

And with that, she dismisses me and Luz to start our game and I would be lying if I didn't feel a sort of excitement when it comes to the thought of letting off some well-deserved steam. 

Once Luz and I were in the backroom, we quickly got to work on changing back into our regular clothes and also applying some heavy-duty rash cream onto Luz's thighs before we got our weapons primed and ready to start our favorite game. Now don't get me wrong, we do have our reservations when it comes to a full-on massacre but right now we really really do not give any fucks on this matter.

With being the old hag's personal bitch boy for the day, having to dance in those uncomfortable and ridiculous costumes, and then having my partner disregard the no grinding rule to get a rile up from Amelia. I am at my wit's end today and all morals were out the goddamn window as we were given the okay to be as messy as possible. I could feel my body trembling in pure excitement at all the ideas I have.

"Sooo does this mean I can go all out? With no limits and everything!! " My baby sister asks as she too was bouncing in anticipation. Luz never gets the chance to go full out because of how out of hand she can get afterward especially when we use our special little friend.

"Yup, and remember you can't hurt the blue hair bitch, or else Madame will not give us our reward okay."

Luz nods rapidly as she was so ready to go out and have fun but that had to be put on hold for a tiny moment as the Blight sisters came into the backroom. The moment they saw me and Luz in our regular clothes and weapons at the ready, they knew that what Madame instructed us was one hundred percent true and not a sadistic joke.

"A-Are two really..." Amity tried to ask, her voice quivering in fear as she grips onto the end of her black dress while Amelia wasn't that far behind. I felt a painful ache in my heart at the horrified expression on their faces as they look between me and Luz.

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