Part 1: A Trip Down Memory Lane Part 2

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Disclaimer: Shit is about to go dark really fast, especially with whose memories you are going to see first out of the Drake siblings. You have been warned.

"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello " - Sign Language
"Hello" - Luz's Deaf Accent
'Hello' -  Thoughts

U  P
Z  O

While Lucia and Amelia were developing their pictures, Amity was getting the last of my memory photos out of my ear.

"There now all we have to do is wait for them to come into focus!" She said happily as she places the tweezers down," I can't wait till I can see what you look like as a little kid!"

She seemed so excited at the chance of seeing those memories but when she looked up at me with her bright, innocent smile, I could see it falter a tiny bit through the corner of my eye as I sadly look at the six black polaroids. Since coming here to the Isles, my thoughts haven't really focused much on my past or the memories I, unfortunately, can never forget.

Thanks to my photographic memory, no matter how hard I try or how much I push my mind. I can never forget the events that both Lucia and I have experienced. I can remember the taste of the food I've eaten, the smells, and even some nights when the memories became too much. My scars would flare up and for the rest of the night Lucia would have to stay up till I was too tired to stay awake. 

Those were the nights after Cain's training...

I must've been inside my head for far too long than intended as I felt the familiar warmth of Amity's hand in mine. Turning my head towards my soon-to-mate and girlfriend, I felt my heart soar at the tender look she was giving me as she hugs my arm a bit. Many who knew the cold persona of the top student of the Abomination track at Hexside stayed clear from her if not that then her status of being part of the Blight family made it hard for her to trust people. Though I know she is close friends with Willow and Gus since I've seen her happily talk to them in between classes when I would skip mine. 

The Amity Blight I know, the one who loves Azura just as much as I do, the one who would get clingy when another witch or demon would look at me a certain way or my favorite. The one who wasn't afraid to show the realm I was her chosen. Never in my wildest dreams have I thought that someone would actually love me for who and what I am. Cain and some of the people down in the Tunnels reminded us every day that Lucia and I were nothing more than weapons for their use and sometimes their pleasure.

"Luz, are you okay?" Amity gave me a worried look as she gently nuzzles her cheek against my arm, knowing that I loved physical affection the most.

I gave her a small nod and kiss the top of her head gently,"I am just worried."

"Worried about what? The photos?"

Nodding again, I rest my head softly on top of hers and wrap my arms around her small frame lovingly," As you know, Lucia and I were not fortunate nor blessed with a normal childhood, well normal by human standards, and probably here too. We had many things children our age ripped away too soon some most children learned when they are older and others no one should've taken without our permission or consent.

So what I'm worried that you... You might not see me in the same light again once you see my strongest memories. I don't want you to hate me mi amor."

Amity's eyes widened at the term of endearment that I gave her and then that surprise turned to pure love and tenderness in her eyes as she gently intertwined her fingers with mine. I watch as she brings my rough calloused hand up to her face and kisses it softly before she started to speak.

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