A Day at The Library Goes Horribly Wrong Part 3

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"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello" - Sign Language
"Hello" - Luz's Deaf Accent
'Hello' - Thoughts

~{Two Hours Later: The Study Area}~

Lucia's P.O.V

...Since the dawn of time, colossal beings with the strength to shatter mountains, split the boiling seas, and even touch the stars roamed the Boiling Isles.

The Titans, strong and destructive beings that once ruled over the entire realm under mighty fists. Magic pure through their veins as if one was slightly wounded, their blood would open portals to a realm rumored to have had trees with leaves of green and a sky that has the most beautiful shade of blue.

Although they were such powerful beings that some early witches worshiped them as deities, something happened that made them either vanish into thin air or die to become one of the many different Isles scattered across the realm. Scholars today still do not have a definite answer as to why the Titans were hunted or how they disappeared.

But what scholars do know is that somehow the wild witches tribe located directly on the Ankles of the Titan of the Boiling Isles have information about what happened but all that was able to be recovered was...

I quickly turned the page and let out a groan of frustration as yet another book detailing the Titans had its pages meticulously torn out.

After Amity finished giving us the grand tour of the whole library, Luz and I sat down at one of the large tables by the window and started our deep dive into researching the Titan, that weird voice from that night, and about our tattoos, but it was so much easier said than done.

Each time we thought we would be getting closer to the truth, the book would either be missing keep pages, some lines redacted, or even the whole book was magically sealed away by the Emperor's Coven and only showed the history of how this fucker took over the Isles. Luz was starting to get irritated as she had gone through five whole sections of books ranging from ancient magic all the way to the magical theory of brands and sigils and still found close to nothing. I wasn't fairing much better either as all the magical books were heavily censored thanks to this stupid fucking system.

King was sleeping soundly on top of a pile of kiddy books we got for him to entertain him with his comfy cape acting as a blanket. He wanted to help at first but as with most kids, he lost interest almost immediately when most of the books we were reading were about history and nothing exciting like war strategies or demon biology. Luz and I were very touched by his want to help us but we also knew that he was at that age where thick books that only have words and little to no pictures will bore him easily.

I slammed my head on the table and takes off my beanie in frustration," How the hell are we supposed to find out more about that freaky ass voice and our abilities if someone is just!!! Ahhhhhhhh this is so fucking frustrating!!!!"

"You can say that again," Luz agrees as she closes the thirtieth book she has flipped through, "This Belos dude really doesn't want anyone to know about the titans or of 'wild magic' so badly that he has censored the whole library. If this was back in our realm finding the info we need would be a fucking cake walk but here?"

Luz shakes her head softly and rubs her cheeks in annoyance, "You would need to have connections or actually physically steal from someone who has a non-censored version but that's not the main issue here! The main issue is that we have to find someone who actually has the books that are free from the Emporer's influence and then find out where the fuck they placed the book since their not stupid to have it at their residence...Uuuuughhhh my brain hurts! "

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