Chapter 1 - Unfortunate Meeting

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(Katy POV)

Are you sure you don't want a ride home?" Tamra asked me as she got into her car. "Nah, I'm good, you know that I only live like a block away from here" I said smiling as she nodded and closed the door, "bye" she said as she put her window down, "bye" I waved as I watched her drive away.

It's really cold outside because it is 10:30 pm here in Los Angeles, and I don't have a jacket so that makes it worse. I just finished a meeting at my record label about my upcoming tour and I walked here so that means I have to walk back home.

I walked out onto the sidewalk with a quickened pace because I have never liked the dark, especially when I'm on my own, I rubbed my arms to try and warm them up. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up when I see two dark figures walking towards me, I grip onto my handbag tightly and out my head down.

"Hey, what's up darlin" I heard a deep voice say, maybe they aren't talking to me? I kept my head down and kept walking, convinced that they weren't talking to me, until someone grabbed my arm.

I ripped the hand off me quickly, "ohh, this one has a bit of an attitude" one guy laughed. "Stay the hell away from me" I said as I tried to begin walking again, only to be stopped by the other guy stepping in front of me, "wait, I know you" he said pointing to my face.

"Your the girl that wears the cupcake bra, I've seen you on TV" he said laughing at me, "we have hit the jackpot here man" the guy from behind me said. The man in front of me gripped the collar of my shirt, "just try to enjoy this, because we will" he said into my ear.

"Back off" I said pushing his chest trying to get his grip off me. "She's a fighter" he said laughing and grabbing my hair making me whimper in pain. "Help!" I yelled, that probably wasn't a good idea. I felt a sharp sting on my right cheek from where he just slapped me, "don't do that again" he spat in my face.

I scrunched my eyes closed tightly, not wanting to think about what might happen. Until I felt the grip on me disappear.

I opened my eyes to see the man being pushed up against the wall by someone different, who is that? I turn around to see the man that was standing behind me sprinting away down the street. Whimp.

"Hey! This is none of your business, so piss off!" The guy that was about to rape me yelled, but he was quickly silence by being punched in the face. "Leave, before I call the cops on your sorry ass" the stranger said pulling the rapist up off the ground before punching him again.

The rapist slowly stood up before stumbling away with a blood nose, spitting blood onto the ground.

(Quentin POV)

I closed the garage door of my gym and locked it. I tucked the keys into my pocket and began walking home with my jacket in my hands.

My name is Quentin Dimitri, I'm 29 years old and I'm a personal trainer/owner at Ravens Gym, I live by myself in Los Angeles and I have since I was 21, I moved here from San Francisco.

I whistled to myself as I walked down the street, noticing it was slightly cold, I only just realised how cold it actually was outside, considering I'm only wearing a singlet and shorts. I put my jacket on and fixed the collar, but jumped when I heard a woman scream,"help!".

I looked around and stopped when I saw a two men standing around a woman, one of them slapped the poor woman. I sprinted over to them and grabbed the man by the back of his jumper pulling him off of her and throwing him against the wall, the other guy ran off.

"Hey! This is none of your business, so piss off!" They guy yelled in my face, I looked over at the woman standing there looking scared, I couldn't help but notice the beauty of her. I looked back at the man punching him in the nose making him fall to the ground, "Leave, before I call the cops on your sorry ass" I said pulling him up and punching him straight in the mouth.

I watched as he pulled himself up and stumbled away spitting blood. I turned to the woman, seeing a tear slip down her cheek, "are you ok?" I asked taking a step towards her, "I'm not going to hurt you" I said holding my hands up, I walked towards her.

I placed my hand on her upper left arm, noticing how cold her skin was, I pulled off my jacket and placed it around her shoulders, "do you need to go to a hospital?" I asked her as she began to shake, slowly she began getting heavier in my arms, I think she might faint.

I picked her up and carried her wedding style and turned in the opposite direction of my house and headed to the hospital. She rested her head on my shoulder, her dark hair falling down my chest.

"What's your name?" I asked gently, "K-Katy" she said through her chattering teeth, "well, hello Katy, this was an unfortunate way to meet" I said chuckling, she smiled and closed her eyes.

"My name is Quentin but everyone calls me Quen, it's nice to meet you" I said looking around the dark streets seeing some people giving us weird looks, "it's nice to meet you Quen" she said resting pressing her cold cheek against my arm, my warm skin heating up the side of her face.

"So what's your story?" I asked her as I walked around a corner, the hospital coming into my view, "huh?" She asked frowning still with her eyes closed. "Whats a pretty woman like you doing out walking at 10:30 by herself" I ask smiling down at her.

"I was just on my way home actually" she asked as we got closer to the hospital, "and you think I'm pretty?" She asked smiling up at me. I laughed, "yes I do" I said smiling as she blushed. "What about you, what's your story?" She asked me, I shrugged, "the same" I said as we walked to the door of the hospital.

"I must be getting heavy, you can put me down and I will walk" she said looking around as we walked into the hospital. I chuckled, "don't be silly, your light" I said walking up to the receptionist.

"Can we please get a doctor?" I asked motioning to Katy with my head, "of course, what happened?" She asked standing up and waving for me to follower her. I followed her down to a room and she led us in, "she was almost, ah, raped, I think she is just in shock" I whispered as I laid her on the bed. The nurse nodded, "I will get a doctor in here as soon as I can" she said walking out of the room.

"I will wait outside" I said smiling at Katy, but she held out her hand, "please stay" she asked me, "please Quen" she said making me smile and nod as I sat in the seat beside the bed and held her hand.

"Thank you" she said, I rubbed her shaking hand to try and warm it up. "You have nothing to thank me for" I said smiling at her. "Of course I do, first you saved me, then you walk me all the way to the hospital" she said turning on her side to face me, "it was nothing" I said.

Now that we were in the light, I could finally see her blue eyes, they were so gorgeous, and her black wavy hair. She was the definition of perfect. But she looked very familiar.

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