Chapter 63 - Welcome To The World

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(Quentin POV)
-4 weeks later-
-2:00 am-

I felt quick hard tapping on my arm which instantly knocked me out of my dream, my eyes slowly opened to see Katy kneeling over the bed looking at me.

"It's time, quickly" she said breathing heavily, "what?" I groaned as she bent down, resting her head on the mattress.

"The babies are coming Quentin" she groaned in pain. I let the words sink in before I pushed the covers off me quickly as I sprung out of bed, my heart racing.

I grabbed my grey trackies off the floor, slipped them on and grabbed my black shirt, I kept it my shirt in my grasp as I ran around to Katy.

"Come on baby" I said gently as I gently placed my hands on her waist and gently pulled her off the bed.

She grasped her stomach as I slowly walked her out of the room and down the stairs. I admire her for the fact that she sleeps in trackies and a singlet.

I slowly guided her down stairs, "just wait right here" I said before sprinting off into the kitchen, I quickly grabbed my wallet off the bench, Katy's phone, the car keys and a bottle of water from the fridge before sprinting back to Katy.

"Come on baby" I said, I could feel the nerves and excitement building up in my stomach as I walked her down the driveway to my car.

I carefully helped her into the car before running around to my side and getting in. "Did you want me to call everyone and let them know?" I asked as I quickly backed the car out of the driveway.

"No, give me my phone, I'll do it" she said through clenched fists, I handed her the phone as I pulled out onto the road.

I watched as her small fingers tapped away on her screen before she pressed call. I waited as she did before whoever she was ringing answered.

"Mom?" She said, I watched as she closed her eyes, "I know, I know, I'm sorry, but the babies are coming" she said taking a deep breath.

"Yes right now" she said looking over at me, "yeah, he's driving" she said nodding. "Yeah I am, ahh" she said squeezing her eyes shut.

"Yeah I will, alright, come quickly" she said before hanging up, "Mom and dad are on their way" she said as I nodded.

"We aren't far, just keep breathing" I said resting my hand on her thigh. Her free hand that wasn't tapping on her phone grasped mine.

She held the phone to her ear again, "my god" she groaned, I could hear tears creeping their way into her voice.

"Dammit" she said after a couple of seconds, "Hey Shan, it's Katy, I just thought you might want to know that I'm going into labour, I really hope you get this soon, bye" she said before hanging up.

(Shannon POV)
-6 am-

I bursted through the hospital doors and made my way straight to the front desk, "I'm looking for Kathernyn Hudson, she has gone into labour" I said quickly.

The woman smiled and typed on her keyboard for a few seonds. "Just straight down the hallway to the left in the birth ward, it should be....... Room 26 in Ward A" she said as I pushed away from the desk and jogged down the hallway.

I relaxed slightly when I saw Keith and Angela sitting outside of a room on chairs. They all looked up at me with tired eyes when they saw me.

"Has she had the babies yet?" I asked as Keith chuckled, "Mary went in about three hours ago and hasn't come back out" he said laughing.

"The doctor said he will inform us when she has" Angela said as I nodded. I sat down next to Keith, feeling my legs shake with nerves and excitement.

This moment is so amazing, my best friend is finally having a family, something she has wanted for a long time...

I leaned back against the wall, feeling my eyes begin to get heavy, maybe I could just rest them, a little, while we waited.....


"Shannon" I heard someone say as they shook my shoulder, my eyes snapped open as Angela stood beside me. Keith and a tall doctor in front of me, I shot up from my seat, "has she had them?" I asked with a huge smile.

"She has indeed, a baby boy and girl in fact, you can come in now, just try to be quiet because their ears will be quiet sensitive for the first few days" he said as we all nodded.

We one by one shuffled into the room, me being the last. Once I was finally in and the door closed behind me I was met by the sight of Katy's teary blue eyes looking into mine.

She smiled widely as Mary wiped her slightly damp hair out of her face. I slowly let my eyes travel down to the tiniest human being I have laid eyes on, it was wrapped up in a pink blanket, cradled in Katy's arms.

I then looked over to see Q standing right beside her, but this time her was holding a tiny baby that was wrapped in a blue blanket.

Q smiled at me before gently kissing Katy on the forehead. I slowly walked closer until I was standing at her bedside, my eyes glued to the tiny baby in her arms.

"Their beautiful" I said barley louder than a whisper, Katy just smiled and let a tear slide down her face.

"What are their names?" Angela asked as she stood beside Q, peering down at the little baby boy.

Katy looked up at Q and he smiled before looking at everyone, "this little fella right here is Casper Andrè Dimitri" he said as I smiled cutely.

"Casper" I repeated softly, "that's such an adorable name" I said as Q smiled, "and who is this little cutie" I whispered as I gently peered closer seeing the little babies mouth open as she yawned.

"My baby girl right here" Katy said speaking for the first time, her voice slightly crackly "her name is Olympia Anne Dimitri" she said softly as the baby wrapped all of its tiny fingers around her one pinky.

"They're gorgeous Katheryn" Keith said admiring Casper as he slept in his fathers arms. "I love them more than life" Katy whispered gently leaving a small, soft kiss on Olympia's forehead.

"Welcome to the world Casper and Olympia" I whispered making everyone smile.

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