Chapter 31 - All Your Insecurities

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(Katy POV)

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Even brighter than the moon! Moon! Moon!" I sang the last few lyrics of my song firework. I held my position as the prism began to rise around me, the screaming of the crowd surrounding me as I smiled and waved to all my fans that had come out to see me tonight.

Once the prism had fully closed I quickly turned and ducked out of the small exit. I ran under the stage until I came out the back of the stage. Crew members surrounded me as the microphone disappeared out of my hand and wires were being removed from me.

Once I was free I walked away from the busyness of backstage and I walked towards my dressing room seeing Tamra waiting for me half way there with a bottle of water.

"Good job tonight Kate, you have a meet and greet in half and hour and then 10 minutes to get changed before we have to get to the car" she said handing me the bottle of water as we walked towards my dressing room.

"Ok, I won't get changed for meet and greet then" I said as we neared the room, "no, your fine in that, just take a breather" she said as we got to my dressing room.

"Thanks Tam" I said as she opened the door for me. She smiled as I walked in and she closed it behind me, I walked over to the mirrors and sat down in the chair and let my head flop backwards.

"God I'm so exhausted" I said closing my eyes for a second before opening them and tilting my head back up to look in the mirror. I looked at myself for a second before undoing the lid of my bottle of water and taking a sip.

I watched myself in the mirror as I took a sip, noticing a ring on my wedding finger. I put the bottle of water down and looked at the ring to inspect it.

I smiled as I ran my finger across it, but I was interrupted by the sound of the dressing room door opening. Q's head popped in, he wore a big smile on his face, "someone thought you did an amazing job and they couldn't wait to see you!" He said stepping in and closing the door behind him.

He turned around and sat in his arms was a small beautiful baby boy. I smiled and stood up before walking over to them, "hi baby boy, did you miss me?" I asked in a cute voice as I took him into my arms.

"Oh I think he is very proud of his mommy" Q said wrapping his arms around my waist so our son was in the middle of us.

"I know I am" he said making me smile as he leaned forward and gently pressed his lips against my own.*

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" I heard someone yelling, I groaned trying to block out the noises so I could go back into my sleep that I was enjoying until someone thought it was suitable to start yelling.

I was enjoying my dream way to much to be woken up, "Come on Katy, it's time to get up!" Someone yelled, "no, go away" I groaned. I heard a deep chuckle before I could feel someone's presence beside me.

"Please wake up birthday girl" Q's sweet voice said into my ear as he wrapped his arm around my back. I opened my eyes to see I was draped out over the bed on my stomach, "what time is it?" I asked as I stretched my arms out in front of me.

"It's almost 8 o'clock" he said making me sigh and lie my head down but this time facing him. When I looked at Q I noticed that he must have shaved or something because the skin around his chin seemed extra smooth.

"Your not Mr Grizzly anymore" I said lifting my finger up to touch his cheek, he chuckled at me "no, but I was never that bad" he said grabbing onto my finger but only to bring the back of my hand up to his lips.

"No I know, but the rough beard look made you look like a bad boy, it was sexy" I said smiling and closing my eyes. I felt the bed slightly shake as he laughed at me, "are you fully awake Katy?" He asked me.

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