Chapter 5 - I'm Going To Ask Her

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(Quentin POV)

I tapped my foot to the beat of the song and found myself smiling as I watched Katy sing inside the booth. I'm not sure what this song is called but some of the lyrics are amazing, how does she come up with them?

"I went from zero,

To my own hero,

You held me down,

But I got up" Katy sang.

This sounds like such an inspirational song, like the song she wrote on her last album. I can't quiet remember what it was called, I think it was something to do with fireworks or something.

The music stopped and Katy's manager, I think his name was Bradford, said "alright, well, that's a wrap on the background vocals, you can call it a day Katy" he said smiling as she smiled back and took off her headphones.

I watched as Katy jogged out of the booth and ran into my arms, "what did ya think" she said as I held her around the waist, "I'm amazed, I can't believe I wasn't a fan sooner" I chuckled as she wrapped one hand around my neck and the other into my hair.

"Sooner? Does that mean you are a fan now?" She said raising one eyebrow as she smirked, I laughed, "of course" I said as she smiled and pecked my lips.

"So, are you two like a thing now?" Bradford asked making us cut our eye contact. "Ah, no, not really" Katy said before I could say anything. That kind of hurt, I mean, I think we are something, but, she probably doesn't want to put a label on it.

I smiled to cover the hurt, "just don't let the paparazzi find out your fooling around with some guy" Bradford said as Katy nodded and grabbed her purse and car keys.

Some guy. I'm just some guy.

"Coming babe?" Katy asked grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the door, "ah, yea-" I said but Bradford cut me off. "Quentin, can I talk to you for a sec?" He said making Katy and I frown in confusion. "Ah, yeah, I will meet you at the car" I said giving Katy's hand a quick squeeze before she nodded and left.

I closed the door behind her and walked over and sat done beside Bradford. "Now, I want you to answer me seriously, ok?" He said pointing a finger at me, I nodded. "Do you like Katy, you know, more than someone you would just have a fling with" he asked leaning back in his chair.

I looked down at my hands and sighed, "yeah I do, that's the problem" I said as I heard Bradford chuckling, I looked up at him frowning. "What's the problem?" Bradford asked shaking his head, I shrugged, "I don't think Katy wants a relationship" I said, and for some reason his smile faded.

He sighed and leaning forward and rested his elbows in his knees, "listen, Katy has had so much trouble with relationships and trust" Bradford said keeping eye contact with me. "She has had so many heart brakes and she is probably just a bit hesitant" he said rubbing his hands together, "she is afraid to get hurt again" Bradford and resting a hand on my shoulder.

"If you want to be with Katy, you have to commit and be sure that she is the one, because I am not going to watch her fall again, we almost lost her once, I am not going to risk it again" he said squeezing my shoulder, kind of in a warning way.

Almost lost her? What does that mean?

"What do you mean you almost lost her?" I asked frowning in concern, "it's not really my place to say, but I think Katy might reveal it sooner or later" Bradford said sitting up straighter.

"Listen Bradford, I don't usually get with someone so quickly, but there is something about Katy, that has just drawn me to her, I really do think she is the one" I said smiling down at my feet as an image of Katy's face popped into my head.

"Prove it to her" he said before hitting my on the shoulder and getting up the walking out of the room.

I sat in the same seat for the next minute thinking about what Bradford just told me. I need to prove it to Katy that I do really like her, maybe I even love her?

I get up off the chair and left the recording studio and walked outside to see Katy's car still sitting in the car park. I couldn't tell if she was inside or not because the windows were tinted to dark, but I walked around to the passenger door and got in.

Katy was sitting behind the wheel on her phone, she looked up and smiled at me as I got in and closed the door. "So what did Bradford want?" She asked as we both put on our seatbelt.

"Ah, he warned me not to tell anybody about the song you were just recording" I lied as I smiled. Katy laughed as she started the engine, "you won't tell anyone, I trust you" she said putting the car into the gear.

"listen, Katy has had so much troubles with relationships and trust" Bradford said keeping eye contact with me.

I remember Bradford saying that, so does Katy really trust me? Or is she just saying that?

"Do you mean that?" I asked as she drove out onto the road, "mean what?" She asked putting on her black sun glasses, "do you trust me?" I asked searching through my pockets as I heard the 'ding' of a text message.

"Yeah, I do" she said smiling at me before turning her attention back to the road. I smiled and unlocked my phone to see I had a message from my mom,

'Hi Hunny, can we visit soon?'

I smiled and texted back

'Sure, just let me know when'

I replied before locking my phone and putting it back in my pocket, "are you going home, or coming back to my place?" Katy asked glancing over at me. "I don't mind, I'm not in a rush for anything, I can stay if you want" I said watching Katy's lips twitch up into a small smile.

"I'd like that" she said smiling over at me, I smiled and back and then looked out my window.

I'm going to ask her, the one question that could either make me a very happy man, or a broken mess.

I'm going to ask Katy to be my girlfriend.

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