Chapter 29 - Mom's Visit

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(Quentin POV)

I could feel my left arm beginning to numb up, I have been sat in the same position for the last 3 hours because I don't want to move and wake Katy up. We are currently on a plane on our way back to Sydney so Katy can finish her tour.

Katy is asleep on my chest while I have my arms wrapped around her. I have decided that she is a really deep sleeper, with all the noise the plane has made, I'm surprised she hasn't woken up.

I play with the tips of Katy's hair, feeling the soft ends tickling the palm of my hand as I twirl it around my finger. I lean down gently towards her face and ever so slowly I press my lips against the make up free skin of her forehead.

Her skin was warm, not hot or not cold, just warm. I looked down at our intertwined hands seeing her hot pink covered nails, but on her left hand I noticed she has one finger which is colour free.

I stroke my finger across hers until I got to the top of her nail. I chuckled at the fact that she probably forgot to paint it, typical Katy. I rested her hand on my thigh so I could run my finger over the back of her hand.

I stroked my finger over the back of her hand so I was spelling out 'I Love You', smiling as I done it.

As I was writing on the back of Katy's hand with my finger I could feel movement beside me. I looked over to see Tamra smiling down at us before taking a seat opposite me.

I smiled back in return before going back to stroking Katy's hand, but with my thumb this time. "She told me about a ring" Tamra said quietly making me frown at her, "a ring?" I said confused.

"Yeah, the day she told you about, umm, what she done when she was drunk and you got mad and left, well, she was in your car and she saw a ring box, she said she opened it and a wedding ring was inside" Tamra said carefully, as if she wasn't sure if she should be telling me this.

I looked down and thought back to being in my car, why is there a wedding ring in my car? And then it clicked, "oh, yes, I know" I said smiling while nodding my head.

"So you do own it? Were you planning to propose to Katy?" Tamra asked before looking down at Katy to make sure she was asleep.

I smiled down at Katy, "no, I wasn't planning on doing it" I said. "You weren't?" She asked making me smile and shake my head, "no, I mean one day I might, but I wasn't planning it then" I said making Tamra look even more confused.

"Then why did you buy it?" She asked leaning forward and resting her elbows on her knees, "I didn't" I said making Tamra shake her head and chuckle, "I'm not following" she said making me sigh.

"Do you remember that time, when Katy and I spent some...... Distance away from each other?" I asked Tamra as she thought, "the time when Katy thought you were cheating on her with your sister" Tamra said laughing.

"Yeah that time" I said laughing with her, "well, while Katy was away, my mom visited me" I said frowning as I remember back to what happened......


I could feel my eyes beginning to close on me as I sunk into my couch, as I was about to drift off the sound of my door bell made me jump. I groaned angrily, "who ever this is, I will fucking smash their head in" I said grumpily.

Ever since Katy left me, I have been in a bad mood everyday, with such a bad temper. As I walked to the door I thought about something, 'no one has visited me in days, could it be ...... Her?'

I picked up my pace as I walked to my door, feeling slight hope that she has came back to me. I got to the door and wrenched it open, only to be disappointed by the sight of my druggo mother.

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