Chapter 58 - Tell The World About You Know Who's!

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(Katy's POV)

"hey girl, how have you been?" Shannon's voice began to flow through the phone, "it's been the most amazing two weeks ever" I said smiling at the memories Q and I have shared on our honeymoon so far.

"Tell me all about it!" She said with excitement, "well we have been staying in this massive beach house and it's so beautiful, and it's such a big island with so much to do!" I said smiling as I dug my toes into the sand on the beach.

"Q has taken me to witness so many new experiences, like we watched this local tribe to a culture celebration last night and it was so amazing and unique, I was blown away by their amazing language through dance and singing" I said in amazement.

"We also went to a spa one day earlier this week, it was a body relaxation one, and we spent all day there it was great! And last week we done a bit of snorkelling and whale watching, but tomorrow guess what he is taking me to do!" I said biting my lip with a smile.

"I dunno, it sounds like you've done it all" she chuckled, "not quiet, we are going to swim with dolphins" I said smiling.

"O, M, G! Am I jealous or what?, that sounds amazing Kate!" She almost shouted down the phone, "I know, I'm extremely lucky" I honestly answered.

"So where are you now? Wait, what time is it?" She asked me, I looked at my watch, "it's almost 10 o'clock now, I'm just sitting down at the beach, it's such a beautiful view" I said taking in the moon that was reflecting on the ocean water.

"10 o'clock at night? Is Q there with you?" She asked, "yeah, at night, and no, I'm by myself, I thought I would just give some people a call to say hi while Q is cooking us dinner that he insisted on" I chuckled.

"Wow, when I find myself a husband, I hope he cooks me dinner" she said making me smile, "you will Shan" I said sighing.

"Well I better let you get back to your gorgeous view and your amazing hubby" she chuckled making me laugh.

"Alright, see you in a week" I said smiling, "bye girl, have fun, love you" she said, "love you to" I said before hang up the phone.

I smiled as I pushed my phone into my pocket, I stood up and took one last glance at the waves as the crashed down onto the shore in front of me before turning around and making my way back into the beach house.

As I got onto the patio, Q's naked, muscly back came into my view. I smiled before opening the door and stepping inside.

The noise of the door shutting behind me, made Q turn around and give me a warm, loving smile. "Hello gorgeous, I hope your hungry" he said smiling.

Whenever Q calls me gorgeous, beautiful, flawless, stunning, breathtaking and stuff like that, it really shows how different he is. It shows that he wants me for me and not my body.

Other relationships I have been in, I never used to hear those words, it was always sexy, hot smokin, I mean, don't get me wrong, there are certain times when it's nice to be called that, but not all the time.

"I'm starving" I said smiling as I took a seat at the kitchen bench where he was cooking. "Good, cause we are having a Thailand traditional dish" he chuckled as I smiled.

"Well it smells amazing!" I complimented him as I took in the sight of the food.

"Hey, I was just thinking" I said as Q turned back around to the stove, "about what?" He said picking up a small piece of chicken on a fork.

He turned around held the fork out to me, I opened my mouth as he laugh and gently put the piece of chicken in my mouth.

He pulled the fork out as I closed my mouth and began chewing it. "Oh my gosh, what is this?" I said smiling as he looked pleased with himself.

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