Chapter 50 - Our Family Is Together

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(Katy POV)
*2 Weeks Later*

"Hi, I'm Katy" I said as a woman and young girl walked towards me, the little girl was wearing a replica of my costume I had on now, it was my silver reflective skirt and top.

"Hello Katy, I'm Maria and this is my daughter Cynthia" the woman said as she shook my hand before gesturing to her shy looking daughter.

I kneeled down to her height, "hi gorgeous, I'm Katy" I said as she smiled before wrapping her arms around my neck, I giggled and wrapped my arms around her back while her mother smiled before holding up her iPhone to take a picture of us hugging.

Cynthia pulled away smiling, "how old are you sweetie?" I asked her, "I'm turning eight in-" she looked up at her mother who held up five fingers towards her, she stood there counting her fingers for a couple of seconds before turning back to me.

"Five days!" She said happily, "well, your getting a big girl now aren't you" I said as she smiled and nodded proudly.

"Where do you come from?" I asked her, "we are from London" she said with a cute expression, "that's good, meaning you didn't have to travel far to see the show" I said laughing.

"Actually this is the second show we have been to, we weren't able to get meet and greets for the last one" Maria said as I smiled up at her, "really? Wow, thank you" I said as I felt my heart warm.

"Yeah, we got to travel to Australia to see you in Melbourne" Maria said, I can't believe people would travel that far to see me in concert.

It makes me feel so happy.

"That's a long way" I said standing back up, "yeah I know, but you make my daughter, happy so I'm willing do to it, and I would do it a thousand times again" she said smiling down at her daughter.

I watched as she looked down at her child, all I could see was love. In her voice, her expression, her look, her actions. I can't wait for that.

*30 mins later*

"It was lovely meeting you all!" I said giving the three girls and young boy high fives as they left, "bye!" The said in unison, I waved back at them as they walked out of the door.

I let my face drop as I let out a breath of air, "your last meet and greet, hope you made the most of it" A voice said from behind me making me jump.

I put my hand on my chest as I turned around seeing Tamra standing there with a smile, "you scared the shit out of my Tamra" I said as she chuckled.

"Yeah, I think I did" I said smiling, "right, well do you think your ready for the last show of the Prismatic World Tour?" Tamra said with triumph in her voice.

I smiled widely, "you know what, I think I am".

(Quentin POV)
(The Next day)

I can't wait to see Katy today, it's been just over two weeks since I have seen her, and I miss her so much.

I think I have relied all my happiness on her, that's why I feel so down all the time, but today is different, today my stomach can't hide my happiness and excitement.

I just finished redecorating this room, oh, right, your thinking, 'what room?'.

Well since we have three guest rooms which we never actually use, I thought I will remove everything so I can redecorate it into the babies room.

We don't know the gender yet so I didn't bother painting the walls, instead I left it the same boring white colour it's always been.

I just removed everything out of the room but I didn't put anything it in, so basically it's just a plain empty room.

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