Chapter 53 - Childhood Place

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(Katy POV)

"Geez, I never remember it being this hot here" I said wiping the back of my hand across my forehead.

"That's because I'm here bitch" Shannon said while flicking her hair over her shoulder. I laughed while shaking my head before adjusting my sunnies so they covered my eyes fully.

I look to my right to see the beautiful ocean waves hitting the shore, the smell of the water and beach surrounding us as we walked down the streets of Santa Barbra.

I felt Q squeeze my hand making me look up at him. "Isn't this where you brought me the first time we came here?" He asked pointing over at the large rocks that I made him climb on with me.

"Yeah, good memory" I said winking as he smiled over at the rocks. "So where exactly are we going?" Shannon asked as she lifted up her hand to shield her eyes from the blazing sun.

"I just thought that I would take you to one of my favourite little childhood places" I said shrugging my shoulder as we crossed the road, looking both ways as we did.

"How far away are we, we've been walking for ages" Shannon said moaning, "shut up, we've been walking for no more than twenty minutes" I said rolling my eyes.

"Still, that's way more than what I usually do a day" she said as I stepped inside the small water front cafe, with both Q and Shan following me.

"Hello, how can I help you?" I young female said walking up to us, but as soon as she got close enough her eyes went wide.

"Oh my god!" She said smiling and covering her mouth, her eyes beginnings to water. "Your Katy Perry? And Shannon Woodward" she said looking at us all.

"Shh, hi" I said pressing my finger to my lips and looking around, "I'm sorry, I'm just a bit of a fan" she said standing up straight and fanning her eyes to try and dry them.

"It's ok, calm down" I said smiling as she laughed, "could I umm, maybe get a picture? With all of you?" She said and I nodded.

"Of course" I said as she pulled out her phone, "I'll take it" Quentin said letting go of my hand to take her phone but she stopped him, "I want you to be in the picture to" she said making me smile.

"Here, I'll take it" Shannon said taking the phone and holding it up. We all stood behind Shan and smiled while she took a couple of photos.

"Thank you so much, sorry" the girl said taking her phone back. "It's alright, what's your name?" I asked as she put her phone back into her pocket.

"Marley" she said smiling, "well hi Marley, it's nice to meet you" I said smiling as she pulled out some menus.

"It's amazing to meet you to" she said happily, "could we please have a table for three, and could it be the most hidden table you have?" I asked as she nodded.

"Of course, this way" she said turning around and gesturing for us to follow. Q was in front of me and Shan was behind me.

She took us right to the back of the restaurant where a four seater table sat here. We all sat down with Q on my right and Shan on my left.

"Here are your menus, just call me over when you are ready to order" Marley said as we smiled at her as she walked away.

"She seems like a nice kid" Q mumbled as he opened his menu, "yeah, she is" I said sitting my menu down in front of me, already knowing what I wanted.

I've been here enough times to know what is good, and the fact that I get the same thing every time proves it.

"I'm not surprised she got a job, she looks really young to be working, but she is so polite" Shannon said grabbing a toothpick out of a jar sitting in the middle of the table and putting it in her mouth.

"Actually her dad owns the place, he probably gave her the job" I said as both Shannon and Quentin looked at me with confused looks.

I rolled my eyes, "I said it was one of my favourite childhood places didn't I?" I said rolling my eyes.

"And I recommend the chicken strips with the Fiji salad" I said winking at Q, he smiled and closed his menu, "alright, I'll have that" he said as I nodded.

"And you Shan?" I said looking over to see her chewing the toothpick with her phone in her hand. "Yeah, get me whatever" she said waving me off.

I rolled me eyes and looked around for Marley, she was giving a bottle of water to another table when we caught eyes, I smiled while waving her over.

She excused herself and grabbed her notepad out, "are you guys ready to order?" She asked nicely, "yeah, could we please have three of the chicken strips with the Fiji salad meals" I said as she nodded and wrote it down.

"And what drinks did you want with those?" She asked as I looked at them, "just two beers and a glass of lemonade please" I said as she nodded.

"Sure thing, they shouldn't be to long" she said as she took our menus and we nodded.

As she went to walk away I quickly stopped her, "Marley?" I said making her pause and look at me, "how is Craig and Layla doing?" I said making her smile.

"You know my mom and dad?" She said as I nodded, "of course, your father was the first person who took me in, he put me up on that stage and made me sing, I came here every weekend to perform for him" I said pointing to the small stage at the front of the cafe as she smiled.

"Wow, they never mentioned that" she said as I smiled, "Your were only 2 years old when I finally left for LA" I said as her eyebrows shot up.

"You knew who I was?" She said stunned, "of course, I wasn't only their musician, but I was your baby sitter, when I was your age" I said as she placed her hand on her forehead.

"Holy moly, um, wow ok" she said laughing, "so how are they?" I asked as her smile dropped slightly.

"Ahh, well Dad, he ah, he died two years ago, from a heart attack" she said making my smile drop, and also my heart.

"Oh sweety, I'm sorry" I said as she smiled, "it's alright, Mom and I still have each other" she said smiling.

"We'll make sure you say hello to your mom for me, and that I'm sorry" I said as she nodded, "of course" she said smiling before she walked off.

"Well I just discovered something new about you that I never knew" Shannon mumbled as I smiled, "she's a strong kid" I said leaning back in my chair.

(Shannon POV)

"Shan, my feet hurt" Katy whined as she stumbled along behind me, "come on, the car is just over there"I said pointing towards her mom and dads black Yaris.

"But we have been shopping all day, we only needed to come for the dress, everyone's probably worried sick" she said as I made sure Katy's wedding dress was lifted off the ground, I held my hand up a bit higher to be sure.

Of course Katy made me carry the dress, so in return she is carrying all the other shopping bags. "Your such a baby, everyone already knew we would be gone for the day" I said.

"Since when? I didn't know about this" she complained, "I should have just gone home with Q" she whined again.

"Shut up Katy, Q isn't at home" I said rolling my eyes as we neared the car. "Why?" She said making me groan.

"What's with all the questions?" I said as Katy pulled out the car keys and unlocked the car, Katy just shrugged in return.

"Look, This morning was the last time you will see Q before the wedding, alright? He has left Santa Barbra and I'm not saying where because it's his bucks night" I said as Katy's eyes frowned for a second.

"WAIT! Are you saying the wedding is tomorrow?!" She said as I laughed and nodded, "I don't understand why he kept the date a secret!" She complained as I laid the dress across the back seat.

"Look, tonight is your night, so just enjoy it!" I said as Katy closed the boot of the car after putting all the bags in it.

"Wait what" she asked as we both got into the car, "what? You think Q gets a bucks night and you don't get a hens night?" I said with a smirk.

"It better be alcohol free because I can't be hungover at my own wedding!"

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