Chapter 43 - Emotional Roller Coaster

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I frowned when I realised I was holding two baby onsies, a blue one and a pink one. I frowned and looked up at Katy, "I'm lost" I said frowning.

But then Katy placed her hands on her stomach and began smiling so widely, "wha-" I stopped mid sentence as I looked back at the baby clothes and then looked at Katy's hands.

(Katy POV)

"Your, pregnant?" Q said, his voice full of hope. I smiled as tear came to my eyes, "we're going to have a baby" I said as his face lit up like I've never seen before.

He walked up to me and put his arms around me, pulling me to his chest. I locked my arms around his waist and buried my head into his neck as I smiled, with tears spilling out of my eyes lightly.

We hugged for a bit before I heard him sniffle, "baby, are you crying?" I asked pulling back so I could look at his face, and as I expected, his eyes were watering with one tear running down his cheek.

I lifted my thumb to wipe it away, "we're going to have a baby" I repeated making him smile. "I'm going to be a dad" he said to me, "I'm going to be a dad!" He said turning to Shannon and Tamra who were stood watching in the distance with smiles on their faces.

"We having a baby" he whispered looking back at me before looking down at my stomach. He kneeled down and placed his hands on my hips, "our baby" he said kissing my stomach as I placed my hand on the back of his head.

He looked up at me and stood up, "I love you" he said pulling me into another hug, "I love you to" I said as we pulled away and he grabbed my hand.

I watched as Shannon put my phone into her pocket after she stopped the recording, "how long have you known?" He asked me as we began walking back up to them, "about a week, I only told Tamra and Shannon yesterday so they could help me surprise you today" I said giving his hand a squeeze.

"Well it worked" he said letting his eyes flit down to my stomach again, a huge smile spreading across his face.

"Who else knows?" He asked me as we stepped inside the house, "only us, we will have to tell the rest of the family tonight" I said making him smile and nod.

"Oh, and that means we will have to have the wedding a bit sooner" I said making him frown, "why so?" He said as we walked into the lounge room and flopped down onto the couch.

"Because I don't want to look like a beach ball on my wedding day" I said chuckling as he smiled while I laid my feet across his lap.

"I don't care what you look like, because no matter what, you'll look stunning, and even if you do start showing on the wedding day, I won't care because you will be my beach ball" he said making me laugh.

"I'm guessing you were trying to sound romantic then" I said laughing at him as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Yeah, sorry, you know what I mean" he chuckled as I nodded, "I know" I said resting my head on the back of the couch as I watched Q.

He sat staring at TV while rubbing my leg with a small smile on his face, I could also hear Shannon and Tamra arguing over which bay name is cuter in the kitchen.

"I've wanted this for so long" I said quietly making Q look over at me and smiling, "a baby?" He said as I closed my eyes and smiled, "no, not just a baby" I said as I tried not to giggle when Q rubbed my feet, it tickled.

"A family" I said as Q smiled and leaned towards me, "so have I" he said before he pressed his lips against mine, He stroked my cheek with his thumb as I smiled at him.

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