Chapter 30 - Back On Tour

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(Katy POV)

Once we arrived to the hotel it was 7 am, and even though I slept through most of the flight, I'm exhausted. Once again Q wanted to carry my bag, I tried to protest but he is stubborn, so I let him have his way.

We travelled up in the lift until we reached our floor, we followed the door numbers down the hall until Tamra stopped at a door. "This is my room, your room should be that one" she said pointing to the room next to hers.

"Ok, thanks" I said as she unlocked her door. "You can have a couple of hours rest and I'll will come over to your room at 1 o'clock because you have to get ready for tonight's show" she said before I smiled and nodded.

I unlocked our hotel door because Q had his hands full. I held the door open for him as he walked in and placed our bags by the door. "I can make us some coffee if you want?" Q asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

I smiled and slowly rose on my tippy toes to gently kiss his lips. "Ok" I said as we pulled away slowly, "I'll take our bags to the bedroom" I said turning around to the bags, "careful there heavy" he said making me laugh.

"I'm not that weak" I said making him raise his eyebrows. Q crossed his arms and leaned against the wall watching me as I hopelessly try to grab all the bags at once.

"I got this, don't worry" I said lifting them up, but somehow they all stumbled out of my grip and fell to the ground. I pouted and turned to Q seeing him laugh, "I will take the bags into the room, can you get the cups out" he said shaking his head.

I stepped out of the way as Q passed me before grabbing all the bags effortlessly and turning to me with a smile before walking away to the bedroom.

I rolled my eyes smiling before walking through the hotel room to find the kitchen. It wasn't hard to find it, considering it was joined to the lounge room which is directly down the hall from the door.

I searched through all the cupboards until I found the cups, I grabbed two out and sat them by the kettle. I clicked the button on the kettle to try and get it to boil but it clicked straight back up, I frowned and clicked it down again but once again it clicked back up.

"Damn things broken" I said pushing it down a couple more times, I began getting frustrated as I kept pushing it down, I sighed "why don't you like me" I said grabbing the kettle and lifting it up. That's when I realised it was empty.

"Oh, the kettle needs water" I said in a 'duh' tone as I placed the kettle under the sink tap before filling it up.

Once it was full I put it on to boil and this time when I pushed the button it stayed down. I smiled and leaned back against the counter as Q walked into the kitchen. He shot me a smile while he walked over to me and leaned against the counter beside me.

"So, tomorrow's a big day huh" he said smiling at me, I paused for a second "tomorrow? What's going on tomorrow?" I asked frowning. I watched as Q's face dropped, "please tell me that is sarcasm and you don't mean you have forgotten" he said closing his eyes.

"Uhhhh" I said as I tried to think, "it's your birthday Katy" Q said chuckling, "oh! That's right! It is to" I said smiling. "Wow your a strange one Katheryn" he said shaking his head, "I try" I said as I glamorously tried to flick my hair over my shoulder.

"So, have you got anything planned?" He asked me, "ah no" I said frowning, I turned towards the coffee cups and grabbed the little bags of coffee before opening one and pouring it into a cup.

"Good" he said making me look at him funny, he just smiled cheekily at me. I sighed, "what are you going to do?" I asked him as I put some coffee into the other cup, "nothing" he said shrugged, but his face says otherwise.

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