Chapter 42 - Christmas Miracle

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(Quentin POV)

I walked to the front door, pitch black of the night surrounding me as I unlocked it. I stepped inside and locked the door behind me before throwing the keys on the small table by the door.

I sighed when I looked around the dark rooms, no lights were on so Katy must be in bed. With that I made my way upstairs and to our bedroom, quietly opening the door in case Katy was asleep.

I slid my way through the small door crack that I made before closing it behind me. I turned around and my eye caught the time on the digital clock on Katy's side of the bed, 11:32 pm.

I sighed and walked to the wardrobe pulling out some bed boxers. I took my shirt, shorts and underwear off, chucking them in the dirty hamper before putting my boxers on.

I sighed and walked towards the bed, but as I did, I began to notice there were no lumps on the bed where Katy's body should be.

I frowned and walked over to switch a bedside table light on. The room lit up with a bright light, but Katy was no where to be seen.

I shut the light off and walked to the bathroom and pulled the door open, she wasn't in there.

I walked back to our bedroom door, pulling it open, I look down the hallway seeing nothing so I walked down it until I reached Katy's music room and then I pulled the door open, it was empty.

I closed the door and went to the next room which was the spare bathroom, nothing!

I closed the door and turned the other way so I was walking down he other side of the hall, past the stairs to the spare bedroom.

I opened the door, my eyes squinted, searching in the darkness.

My eyes landed on the bed, and there it was that I saw Katy's figure lying beneath the covers.I let out a small sigh, she must think I'm angry at her so she slept in the guest bedroom.

I stepped inside and gently closed the door behind me before walking over to the bed. As I stood beside it I could hear the light breathing of Katy as she slept, her hair was spread out across her face.

I slowly pulled the covers back and slid in beside Katy, shuffling forward until I could wrap my arms around her.

The movement woke her, "Q?" She whispered in a horsey voice as she laid her head against my chest.

"Go back to sleep baby" I said pulling the hair away from her face and kissing her forehead, "I'm sorry" she said snuggling herself up to me.

"Don't be, you were just trying to help, I was out of line" I said resting my cheek on the top of her head.

Nothing else was said, but soon enough I heard the gentle breathing of Katy again as she fell back into her sleep.

I tightened my arms around her as I let my eyes close, drifting of into a happy sleep.

(Still Quentin POV)
-4 Weeks Later-
-25th December-
-10:30 am-

"Wake up" I thought I heard a small voice say, I could feel something touching me, no wait. There is something on me? This is so confusing.

I could feel myself coming back into reality as I felt someone poking my cheeks. I groaned in an attempt to make them stop.

"Don't be a baby, come on, wake up" the voice said again, but this voice was to familiar to me. "Jesus Katy" I said grabbing her finger so she would stop poking my cheek.

I heard her giggle, but I focused back on sleep, just as I was about to fall back out of reality, I felt the poking again, but this time on my other cheek, with her other finger.

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