Chapter 59 - Hassle Of Coming Home

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(Quentin's POV)
-1 Week Later-

"There's so many" she whispered against my arm, I looked out of the airport windows seeing tons of Paparazzi surrounding the exits, they were being held back by a lot of airport security and police officers.

"I didn't think it would be this bad" I mumbled being able to spot a lot of fans standing behind the hassle.

"Neither did I, it has never been this bad" she said as we waited for Katy's personal security and Tamra to arrive.

When we arrived we got mobbed at the baggage claim so we were taken straight to a VIP lounge away from everyone by airport security.

It was really scary because all I could see was Katy with her head down and her arms wrapped around her stomach, being shoved back and forth by paps that have nothing better to do with their lives.

Not long after the police were called to escort everyone out, now there are double the amount of paps and camera crews outside, and it's all because of the baby news Katy and I released last week.

Both Katy and I looked up when Tamra and about six big men walk into the room. Tamra smiled as she made her way towards us.

Katy stood up as they embraced, "it's good to see you" I heard Katy say. I stood up and pulled Tamra into a hug as well.

"Is the car here?" Katy asked as Tamra nodded, "yeah, just outside" she said as Katy sighed and leaned against my side.

One of the six men walked up and took my bag from me and gave me a smile and nod, "thanks" I said nodding, "no problem" he said as another guy took Katy's.

"Ok, we ready?" One of the men asked us and we nodded, "let's just go home" Katy said as she held onto my hand tightly.

We walked out of the lounge making all the flashing of the cameras start, all the shouts becoming louder and louder as we get closer and closer to the exit.

As soon as the doors open, I resist the urge to cover my ears as the police begin to stumble back because of the pushing the paps are doing.

Katy's security are squashed against us from every angle making sure no one can grab us. I felt Katy let go of my hand making my head snap towards her, but instead she brings herself closer to me, wrapping her arms around my stomach, grabbing a fist full of my shirt.

I wrapped my arm around her back as she hide her face in my shoulder, I could see cameras coming right up in my face and shouts in my ear as I ignore it.

We finally got to the side of the car and opened the door and let Katy in the passenger seat while Tamra squeezed into the back and the men attempted to put our luggage in the boot of the car.

Once I made sure she was in and the door was locked I began to walk around to the other side of the car.

Just as I got around the back of the car I saw a camera come from the right side of me and slam into the side of my face as the pap that was holding it got shoved from behind.

I fell against the car as my hand came up to cradle my jaw where it hit me, I turned back to see the pap that just hit me with the camera looking back at me with a shocked expression.

A security guard that was close beside me punched the camera so it was no longer facing me and it smashed on the ground beside us as I was ushered forward.

I felt bad for the guy because it wasn't his fault, It was the man behind him that was pushing him.

I got to the drivers door and with a struggle I was finally in the drivers seat. I sat down and closed the door behind me as the police and security tried to make way so I could drive through.

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