Chapter 8 - Blessings

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(Quentin POV)

I looked at the buildings pass as I drive down a side street of Santa Barbara, towards Katy's parents house. I jumped slightly when I felt a hand on my thigh. I look over to see it was Katy's, I thought she was asleep, "stop shaking your leg" she mumbled slowly opening her eyes and squinting in the sun light.

I only just realised that my leg was tapping, I smiled nervously, "sorry" I said, Katy smiled and closed her eyes again, I smiled at how cute she looked before returning my attention back to the road. 'Turn right, in one hundred meters and then you have reached your destination' the GPS said. I looked ahead for a right turn, I spotted a street.

I turned down the street, 'you have reached your destination' the GPS said again. I switched it off and pulled up outside a white house. "Babe, we're here" I said leaning over and rubbing her thigh, Katy's eyes slowly opened and took in the scenery around her.

Katy smiled cutely when she caught the sight of her childhood house. I opened my door and got out, before jogging around Katy's side to see her getting out. I closed her door for her as she stretched and yawned, "sorry I fell asleep" Katy said as I wrapped my arm around her waist and walked around my car.

"It's ok, I liked listening to you snore" I joked making Katy blush slightly, "I snored?" She asked embarrassed. "Nah" I chuckled, Katy smirked and lightly punched my torso. "But you do snore when your tired" I said rubbing my thumb on her side.

"How do you know?" She said as we walked up the driveway, "well, I have stayed over at least twice now, the first night I remember waking up because you were snoring in my ear" I said smiling as we got to the front door.

"Please tell me your joking" she said as she rang the doorbell, "sorry, this time I'm not" I laughed as Katy dropped her head into her hands in embarrassment, "why didn't you tell me before?" She asked as we could hear footsteps getting closer to the door, "because I knew you would get embarrassed" I said tightening my grip on her waist.

I felt my nerves get worse as the lock on the door clicked, "what of the don't like me" I quickly whispered in Katy's ear as the door opened. Katy didn't have time to answer because she was getting pulled into a hug. I let go of her waist so she could hug who I think is her mom.

"Katy!" The woman said happily, "hey mom, it's good to see you" Katy said hugging her back, "and who is this young man?" Katy's mom asked as they parted, "mom, this is Quentin, my boyfriend" Katy said happily.

She introduced me as her boyfriend, I felt a big smile on your face, "hello Miss Hudson, it's a pleasure to meet you" I said reaching my hand out to shake, "please, call me Mary" she said shaking my hand. "Come on in" Mary said opening the door further as we stepped inside.

(Katy POV)

I noticed Q was a bit nervous, he walked in behind mom and I, "you've done better this time" Mom mumbled to me as we walked into the lounge room, "what's that supposed to mean?" I asked confused, "nothing, I'm just happy he knows how to shave" mom smirked before walking into the kitchen, "coffee you two?" She said laughing as she walked off. I only just realised who she was referring to, Russell.

"Yes please, white with one sugar" Q said as he stood beside me. I noticed a smirk on his face, did he hear moms snide comment? "Katy?" I heard mom ask, "yeah, same for me" I said as I took a seat on the couch.

Q sat down beside me, "I like your mom already" he chuckled, I smiled at him, "good" I said, "but wait until you meet Dad and David" I said as I could hear the kettle boiling, "who is David?" he asked frowning, "oh, he is my younger brother" I said reaching for the TV remote and turning the TV on.

"Oh, and Angela is your older sister" He said nodding, "yeah, but she moved out, she lives with Svend her husband" I said switching through the channels. "You never told me she was married" he said as I settled on the news.

"Oh, well she is married, and a mother" I said shrugging, "wait, she has a child, so your an Aunty" he said looking at me, "yeah, Stella is my niece" said nodding.

"Here we are" Mom said walking back into the living room with two cups of coffee, she handed me one and then handed the other to Q. "Thank you" he said smiling, "your welcome" Mary said returning back to the kitchen and walking back out with her own.

She said down opposite us, placing her coffee on the table. "So Quentin, tell me about yourself" Mary said smiling, Q cleared his throat and placed his coffee down in front of him. "Ah, well I'm 29, I'm a personal trainer and I own my own Gym back in LA" he said simply, "what about your parents? What do they do?" Mary asked. I knew his parents were a touchy subject, because of his dad.

"Well, my mother is an accountant, but she lives back in San Francisco with my other siblings" he said smiling and rested his elbows on his knees and locking his fingers together. "So your not an only child" Mom asked.

I'm happy she didn't ask about his dad, I wouldn't be able to handle the awkwardness. "No, I have 2 younger sisters and 3 older sisters" he said smiling and nodding. I didn't know he had other siblings? Especially that they are all girls. "Wow, an only boy child?" Mom said surprised, Q chuckled and nodded, "yeah, well I'm happy I am an only boy child, it's taught me how to treat a lady right" Q said smiling.

"Good, that's what I like to hear" mom said smiling happily over at me, I looked over at Q only to realise he was looking back at me.

My head snapped towards the front door when I heard it open. Dad and David walked in laughing, "dad!" I said happily as I got up and ran around the couch into dad's arms, "Katy!" Dad said as he hugged me back. "Hey David" I said punching his arm, "ow, it's nice to see you to Kate" David said smirking.

We all walked back to the couch, Q stood up and held out his hand, "hi Mr Hudson, I'm Quentin" Q said shaking dad's hand, "hi Quentin, Mary told me about you, your Katy's new boyfriend, aren't you?" Dad said putting his hands on his hips.

I notice David cross his arms, "ah, yes sir, that's right, but now that you and Miss Hudson are both here, I would like to ask you both a question" Q said as Dad walked around to stand beside Mom.

I frowned confused, "huh?" I said as Q smiled over at me, what did he want to ask them? "Sure, ask away" mom said smiling. "I really do like Katy very much, and I know we are already dating, but it would feel terrible if I were to continue being with Katy without your permission, so I would like to ask you for your blessing" Q said slipping his arm around my waist smiling down at me.

"Hmm, Quentin, you seem like a very well mannered young man, but I'm going to ask you the same question I ask every guy that has ever wanted to be in Katy's life, and in hope you answer this honestly" dad said making me roll my eyes.

I've heard my dad ask this question many times before, "are you going to take care of her?" Dad asked folding his arms across his chest, staring Q down.

Q stood tall and answered like no other guy ever has, "I will, I'll take care of her and love her with every bone in my body, I will do everything I can to make her happy" Q said rubbing his thumb across my waist.

He really meant what he said, "you have my blessing" Mary said smiling, "no" dad said making everyone's smile drop, "you have OUR blessing" dad said smiling making everyone's smiles now return.

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