Chapter 27 - Staying Together

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(Katy POV)

It's now night time and Q, Tamra and I were sitting on the couch eating ice cream and watching the movie 'Step Up All In'. When I say sitting down, I mean lying all over the place, Tamra is lying on the floor and Q and I are stretched out on the couch.

"He has a good body" Tamra said with a mouth full of ice cream as she pointed to the TV. I nodded in agreement, "I know" I said as I looked over at Q seeing him looking back at me with his mouth open.

"But of course you are way better than him" I said leaning over and kissing him gently. "That's better" he said smirking. "Well, as fun as getting fat off ice cream and watching sexy dancers can be, I'm off to bed" Tamra said pulling herself off the floor and smiling at us.

"Good night you two" she said winking at me before walking out of the room. "I think we should go to bed as well" Q said as I sat my now empty bowl on the coffee table and I turned to him. "Yeah, let's go to our bed" I said making him smile.

We got up and Q picked up our bowls and taking them into the kitchen. "I'll meet you up there" Q said before he disappeared into the kitchen. I smiled and quickly jogged up the stairs before I walked into my room.

I looked around the room, seeing some of Q's belongings sitting around. I smiled at the thought of being with him all the time.

I walked into the bathroom and over to the sink. As I reached out for my toothbrush, I noticed his sitting next to mine. I felt a goofy smile cross my face as I took my toothbrush out and squirted a bit of toothpaste on it.

I began brushing my teeth and just as I finished Q walked in. He smiled at me as he reached over to grab his toothbrush, I walked out and grabbed my pyjamas before taking my shirt off and slipping my singlet on.

Then by the time I changed my shorts Q walked back in. "So I think we are going to fly back to Sydney tomorrow" I said as Q turned to the closet and got out a pair of boxers.

"I might have to fly over later this week" Q said as he took off his shirt and put it in the hamper, "why?" I asked as he took of his pants and put his boxers on before chucking the pants in the hamper as well.

"Because some dick got drunk over something silly and he went and trashed my gym, so now I have to clean up his mess" Q said smirking as he walked over and got onto the bed. I rolled my eyes, "ok for starters, you are not a dick, and also, you were mad, it wasn't something stupid, it was a big deal and it was my fault." I said as I sat up against the headboard of the bed and Q laid on his stomach beside me.

"I still have to clean the mess up" he said putting an arm across my waist before dropping kisses down my arm. "Actually you don't" I said making Q frown and look up at me, "I'm the one at made you mad and upset, so I will fix it" I said making Q shake his head.

"No, you are not going to stop me from doing this, I will hire some guys to fix it and you will be flying with me back to Sydney tomorrow, no exceptions, we are staying together from now on" I said pointing my finger at him. Q laughed and looked up at me, "ok" he said before pressing his lips against my own.

I moved down the bed and he rolled over so I was now partly on top of him as we kissed. I could feel his hands go up the back of my shirt as he held the back of my waist. My hands resting on his bare chest as we kissed, but he parted.

At first I thought it was because I may have gone to far again, but I opened my eyes to see him smiling, "what?" I said smiling back. "Your just beautiful" he said stroking my cheek, I could feel my cheeks burn slightly as I grinned stupidly.

"I love you Quentin Dimitri" I said against his lips, "I love you Katheryn Hudson" he said making me smile before pressing my lips against his.

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