Chapter 40 - Wrong Phone

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(Quentin POV)

"Babe, I'm home" I said, a warm feeling enters my stomach at the word 'home'. I frowned when I got no answer, I pulled my shoes off and walked through the lounge room and into the kitchen, setting the car keys down on the bench.

I heard shuffling behind me, I turn around to see Warlock jog into the room. "Hey little buddy" I said bending down and picking him up.

He made a small whining noise and tried to lick my chin, maybe he is hungry? I looked down to see two silver bowls on the floor, one was half filled with water and the other had small bits of meat still left in it.

Katy must have fed him, "you've already eaten" I said as I was patting him but then something something caught my eye.

I looked to the left so I was looking out to the back yard, noticing something moving in the pool. I put Warlock back down on the ground and I walked over to the door before opening it.

I felt the cool breeze hit my skin as I stepped outside, there was a very small gust of wind as I closed the door behind me, keeping my eyes on the pool.

I walked down further while pulling off my singlet, I stopped for a second so I could take my socks off so I was left in my shorts.

She finally made eye contact with me, a small smile breaking out on her face as her eyes scanned my body.

I slid into the pool and ducked under so my body could get used to the temperature quicker. I then regained to the surface and ran my hand through my now damp hair, wiping away my quiff and making it spiky all over.

I swam until I felt her soft skin connect with mine and her body press up against my own. "Hey" I said quietly, "hey" she whispered as she brought her face closer to mine.

I raised my hand up to her cheek and ran my finger tips on it before placing my hand on her neck and leaning in and pressing my lips against hers.

I could feel her smiling into the kiss and then her pull away, I smiled at her as she looked down at the water.

It's hard to believe that this is actually real, that I'm in love with such a beautiful woman.

I smiled as Katy ran her hand through her hair, "we need to talk" she said quietly making me smile, "yes we do" I said trying to imagine her walking down the isle, before we say the vows that will make us married.

My wife.

I can't wait to call her that.

Katy chuckled and looked down, "not about the wedding, something else" she said making me frown, "what is it?" I said as she looked at me.

She didn't speak, instead her hand rose above the water in front of my face, I pulled back so I could see her hand clearly.

In between her thumb and index finger, she held her ring. "What about it? Did it break?" I said taking it from her and examining it.

"No, no, it's still perfect, it's just, not worth it" she said making my whole world come to a complete stop.

My breathing hitch.

My stomach dropped.

My heart stopped, and then shattered into a million pieces...

"N-not worth it?" I said so sadly that I didn't know what I was going to do. First she would kick me out of the house, cut off contact with me, and I would be miserable and depressed.

"So, you don't want to marry me?" I said as I was literally about to cry. What the hell am I going to do now? I devoted my whole life to her...

She was the love off my life, and apparently I've already stuffed up.

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