Chapter 54 - The Big Day Is Finally Here!

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(Katy POV)
-the next day-

"This really isn't a good idea Shan" I said biting my lip nervously, "oh shut up Kate, you need to trust me, and stop doing that, you'll smudge your lipstick" she said rolling her eyes.

"Look, Todd I trust you, but usually I can see what your doing, and this is a big deal" I said as I nervously fumbled with my fingers.

Shannon told Todd not to do my makeup with a mirror, so I couldn't see it, she wants it to be a surprise.

"Look, your hair is almost done and as soon as it is we will out your dress on and you can look in the mirror" Shannon said as Laura, my hairdresser nodded, I put on a pity face and dropped my shoulders.

"But what if I don't like what I look like, we won't have time to change. People are already arriving" I said referring back to the text that my dad sent me around 10 minutes ago.

"Yes, I know, but you will like it" she said smirking. I ran my eyes over Shannon, she looked gorgeous.

She had her hair straightened and swept to one side and her make up done well. The light blue strapless dress fell all the way to the floor.

She looked stunning.

"Your gonna still the spotlight" I said as Shannon smiled, "no way, you look so amazing right now" she said nodding towards me.

I blushed as Todd put a small bit of lipstick on my lips before standing up straight, "alright, all done" he said smiling.

"You look beautiful Kate" he said as I smiled, "thanks Todd" I said as Laura stepped away from me and looked at my hair.

"Flawless" she said simply as I looked over at Shannon and she gave me two thumbs up. "Alright, dress time!" She said while running over to the door and opening it.

"Angela! Mary! She is just about to put the dress on!" She shouted before walking back over to me with the door wide open.

We walked over to the small room and I opened he door with Shannon following. She closed it behind herself and turned around to face me.

"I really hope he hasn't backed out" I said as she turned to the large dress that was hanging in a black covered coat hanger.

"Katy, he is at the church right now, probably thinking the exact same thing actually" she said shaking her head.

"he loves you, he won't back out" she said unzipping the cover. The dress instantly takes my breath away. (See picture attached)

I let out a breath as Shan looked at me, "you ready?" She asked and I smile at her, "I've been ready for this day for a long long time.

Shan smiled and pulled the dress off the hook while I pulled off my white robe. I helped Shan unzip the dress before I pulled the bottom of it up and over my head.

Shan helped pull the dress down over my body before it was finally sitting probably. I turned around and held it in place while Shan zipped it up.

"Ok, is it sitting probably?" Shan asked once it was zipped up, "ah, I think so" I said adjusting it around my chest.

"It doesn't feel like it's going to fall down?" She asked as she fixed my hair up. "Nah, all secure" I chuckled.

I turned around and Shans mouth dropped, "holy shit, your gorgeous Kate" she said as I smiled. "Thanks Shan" I said as she unexpectedly threw her arms around me.

I smiled and hugged her back, "we better get out there" Shan said turned around and opening the door.

I picked up the front of the dress and watched where I was walking and followed Shan out. As I lifted my eyes up I was met by the eyes of Mom, Angela, Shan, Todd and Laura. They were all smiling at me widely.

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