Chapter 7 - Planning Visits

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(Quentin's POV)

I watched as Katy's hand raised up to her necklace, she held it as she kept eye contact with me. "Q" she said softly, "I know you have been hurt in the past, and I know that you probably think we are rushing" I rambled on shaking my head, "Q" she said again, "but I can't stop thinking about you, I know we haven't put a label on it, or I not even sure of you want to put one on it" I said waving my arms around. "Quen" she said laughing and placing her hand on the top of my arm.

"You probably don't want to get hurt again, but I'm not like the other-" but I was cut off when Katy connected her lips to mine. Just a small meaningful kiss. Katy pulled away and smiled, "I would be honoured to be your girlfriend" she said making me smile widely.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and picked her up, swinging her around in the air. Katy giggled the whole time, but I stopped and placed her firmly on the ground, one arm still around her waist.

I raised my hand to cup the side of her cheek, "I really like you Katy" I whispered. Our faces were so close together that I could feel her sweet breath hitting my lips, "I really like you to Q" she said smiling and pressing her lips gently against mine once again.

I notice the area around get slightly darker, I looked up noticing the clouds above us are turning a lighter shade of grey. "Come on, let's get out of here before it starts to rain" I said grabbing her hand as we made our way down the rocks.

(Katy POV)

"Do you want to come inside?" I asked Q as we pulled up outside of my house, He smiled over at me. "Sure, but it can't stay late, I have work early tomorrow morning" Q said as we got out of the car.

"Why don't you bring your work clothes over, so maybe, you could stay the night?" I asked grabbing his hand, feeling his warm fingers intertwine with my own. "Please" I said giving him puppy dog eyes, he chuckled and raised his hand to my cheek, "I'll be back soon" he said kissing my forehead, I smiled and pecked his lips.

I watched as he got back into his car and drove out of the driveway towards his house. I walked inside and closed the door behind me, "meow" I turned my head to the left to see Kitty sitting in the doorway of the lounge room, "hey baby" I said walking over and picking her up.

I walked over to the couch and sat down with Kitty on my lap. I pulled out my phone,

'Hey, Should we have some dinner? xx'

I sent it to Q and locked my phone before reaching for the TV remote. They have nothing on TV these days, I skipped through the Channels until I settled on Sponge bob, your never to old for sponge Bob.

I heard my phone 'ding' from the chair arm beside me, I looked over to see a message from Q, I smiled as I opened it,

'Sure, I will pick up some take away, Taco Bell? xx'

I smiled, he knows me to well,

'Perfect xx' I sent back.

I locked my phone and slid it into my pocket as Kitty jumped off my lap and wondered out of the room.

'Ring Ring' I jumped at the sound of my house phone ringing, I jumped up and ran to the kitchen to answer it.

K- hello?

M- Hello

K- oh, hey mom, what's up?

M- I just wanted to ask you something?

K- sure

M- are you dating someone?

K- ah, yeah, I am, how did you find out?

M- it was in a magazine but I didn't know if it was true! So what is he like?

K- haha, he is amazing mom, you would love him

M- I might come over one weekend and visit, so I can meet him

K- sure, just let me know when

M- I will, but speaking of visits, when will you be coming to visit us?

K- ah, I'm not sure, probably before my tour starts, in like, 3 weeks

M- ok, because you haven't seen Ann in a while

K- yeah, I do miss gramma

M- and she misses you to

K- I miss everyone but I will visit in time, maybe Q will come with me

M- who is Q?

K- my boyfriend mom

M- oh, what an interesting name

K- well, his full name is Quentin, but his nickname is Q

M- well that makes more sense

K- I guess haha

M- ok hunny, I will let you go now

K- ok mom, talk to you soon

M- ok, bye sweetie, I love you

K- I love you to mom, bye

I hung up and put the phone back on the hook smiling. I know mom is going to love Q, well, how can you not? He is loveable, I mean, I can't believe Q is single, how does that work? He is funny, sweet, caring, gentle and not to mention good looking.

Maybe God made sure he was single and that I was single so we could find each other. Maybe that was Gods plan all along, well, even if it wasn't, I am blessed to have met Q.

(Quentin POV)

I whistled as I closed my car door, gently swinging the bag of Taco Bell as I walked up to the door and turned the door handle to see it is unlocked. I walked in and closed the door behind me locking it, "OH MY LOVE! I CANT EXPLAIN HOW MICH IVE MISSED YOU!" I heard Katy yell as she came running up to me.

I smiled, "I've missed you t-" I was cut off by Katy grabbing the Taco Bell out of my hand and lifting it up to her face to smell it. She then smirked and looked at me, "oh, hi Q, I didn't notice you there" she giggled.

I shook my head laughing, "it's a great feeling to know that Taco Bell is loved more than you" I said pouting giving Katy my 'puppy dog' face. She laughed then planted a kiss on my cheek, "you know that's not true" she said grabbing my hand and pulling me into the lounge room.

"Sure sure" I said as I dropped down onto the couch and Katy sat beside me, curling her legs up underneath her and leaning against my side. "So, my mom rang after you left" Katy said as she got the Taco Bell out of the bag. "Yeah? Is everything alright?" I asked as she handed me my food.

"Yeah yeah, everything is great" Katy said getting her own food out, "she was actually ringing because she saw a picture of you and I in a magazine, and the rumours are that we are dating, she wanted to know if they were true" Katy said before she took a bite.

"Did you tell her" I asked as she chewed, she nodded, "yeah" she said with a mouth full making me laugh. She swallowed before she started speaking again, "she was happy for me" Katy said smiling as I took a bite if my food.

"I'm actually going to visit them in probably a weeks time, and" Katy said as she watched me, "and your coming" Katy said watching my reaction.

I slowed my chewing, and slowly swallowed. "You mean, I'm going with you, to visit your family, to meet, your" I took a deep breath "parents?"

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