Chapter 47 - Call From The Doctor

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(Katy POV)

"Ready to go Kate?" Tamra asked as grabbed my handbag off the couch, I nodded towards her and followed her down the hallway and out of our hotel room.

It's been exactly 1 week since Q left, and it's been really quiet and lonely, I miss him. He has stuck to his word though and called me every morning and every night, it's really sweet.

I have a concert tonight and even though I'm not supposed to be performing, I know I have to, I'm just not going to tell Q, or he will go mad with worry.

I'm just feeling really drained and weak, but I know I can do it, because my fans give me the strength.

As we got into the elevator I could feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, thinking it was Q I got excited and quickly pulled it out.

I felt disappointment run through me when I saw that it wasn't Q, but then I felt confused. This number wasn't saved into my contacts, but it could be something important so I answered.

"Hello?" I said with confusion in my voice, "hello, is this Katheryn Hudson?" A deep male voice asked as we descended in the lift, "yes it is, may I ask who this is?" I said as Tamra listened carefully.

"This is Dr Tillien, it's nice to hear from you Katy" he said making me smile, "oh, hey Dr Tillien, is everything alright?" I asked.

I was beginning to feel a bit nervous, why would he be ringing me?

"Yes actually, I just have some news for you" he said as the lift doors opened on the ground floor. I began to feel a little bit more calm at the happiness in his voice.

"Ok" I said as I followed Tamra out of the lift. "Well I was looking at the ultrasound pictures and I picked up something I actually missed" he said as we walked through the lobby of the hotel.

"Is the baby ok?" I said quickly as Tamra looked back at me in concern, "the baby is fine yes, it's just that because we had the ultrasound so early in the baby's development it was hard to pick up by just looking at" he said making me relax slightly.

"So what did you find?" I said as Tamra led me outside to a fully tinted black Range Rover. I got in as Dr Tillien was speaking, "what I found actually explains why you were vomiting more than usual as well, and that's because..............." I felt my eyes widen at what he said.......

(Quentin POV)

I sat down across from the agent I have been speaking to for the past couple of weeks, "so this is the highest offer we have so far" he said pushing a sheet towards me, "woah, I wasn't expecting this much money for it" I said looking up at him in shock.

"What can I say, it's a great gym, very well taken care of, and this man is determined to have it" he said making me smile.

"So it's your choice or not weather you want it to go to this man for this amount" he said locking his fingers together on the table.

I thought about it before smiling, "deal" I said as he held out his hand to shake it, "alright then, I'll get that sorted for you and have the money transferred into your bank account, how long do you want before the gym is transferred over to his name?" He asked me as I thought about it.

"Give me until the 27th, that's exactly one week" I said as he nodded, "done, thank you" he said standing up and gathering all his sheets and his briefcase.

"Thank you" I said back as he smiled, I showed him to the door before letting him out. I closed the door behind him and leaned against it while running my hand through my hair.

I actually sold the gym....... I can't believe it.... I have to figure out a way to tell Katy as well

I mean, this is what I want, but I can't believe I actually done it. I smiled before pushing myself off the door and walking through the lounge room and into the kitchen.

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