Chapter 23 - I Really Like You Too

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(Katy POV)

I look over to my left, Q is sitting in the drivers seat as we make our way to the doctors. I nervously play with my hands as I watch Q's expression as he drives. It is a mixed expression of concentration, anger and fear.

We are both fearing the outcome.

Of course I want to be a mother, more than anything, but I want the father to be Q. Not Russell.

I jumped slightly at the sound of my phone ringing in my pocket. I struggled to get it out but once it was a number showed up, it was an unfamiliar number that isn't saved in my phone.

It's probably a fan that got it, but in case it isn't, I better answer. I gave Q a confused look before sliding the 'answer button', "hello?" I said in a slightly higher voice, I frowned at the voice on the other end.

"Are you?" said a masculine voice, "am I what? Who is this?" I said frowning as I could see Q looking at me from the corner of my eye. "Are. You. Pregnant?" Said the voice.

Then it hit me. The British accent, why the number wasn't saved into my phone. Russell.

"What the hell do you want Russell, how did you get my number? How did you know?" I said clenching my jaw as I could feel sickness rising in my throat. I felt the car immediately slow down, I looked over to see Q's face was filed with anger and rage.

"You know it's not everyday Katy Perry buys a pregnancy test" Russell said, I could only just hear him because I could hear other voices in the background.

Q quickly pulled over and grabbed the phone from my ear. Before I could protest Q opened his door and got out, I quickly got out my side. I forgot about that, I was wearing glasses and a hat when I bought the first pregnancy test, but I didn't hide as well as I thought I did.

"How the hell did you get her number!" Q said furiously as he walked around behind the car. "Answer my question you mutt" he said through his teeth as he looked at me, "we don't know!" He almost yelled.

"Calm down! You got drunk and had sex with my girlfriend! Don't you dare tell me to calm down" he said a bit quieter making sure no one could hear him.

I watched Q's facial expression go from absolutely furious to completely shocked. "You what" he said through his teeth. I watched as Q took an angry breath in and looked over at me, "did she know that" he said watching me stare at him in confusion.

"But you do, you remember that night clearly because you were sober! But you still took advantage of her!" Q yelled.

That's when it hit me like a ton of bricks, we weren't both drunk, it was just me. He knew I was drunk, he knew I wasn't thinking straight.

Russell knew that I would never sleep with him if I was sober, so he waited until I was drunk.

I could feel my breathing pick up pace, I raised my hand to my chest because I could feel my airways closing up, is this what a panic attack felt like?

"Quentin" I said in a small voice as I placed my hand on the back of his car to keep my balance. Q quickly ran over to me and grabbed my waist while sitting my phone on the car.

"Katy, look at me" he said, I looked into Q's warm brown eyes as he stroked my cheek, "calm down baby, just breath, listen I don't care if you are pregnant, I will love both you and the baby, even if it isn't mine" he said pulling me into his chest.

"I promise I won't let him near you again" he said into my hair as I felt a tear slip down my cheek, "he waited until I was drunk, it's as if he planned it" I said grabbing a fist full of his shirt.

"Don't worry about that now, it's in the past and so is he, so let's try and make our future" he said pulling away and resting his hand against my flat stomach.

I looked up into his eyes and he gave me a small smile and gently pressed his lips against my own. I smiled as we pulled away, "now let's go and find out" he said kissing my cheek before walking back around to his side of the car.

I grabbed my phone off the car seeing Russell ended the call and walked back around to my door and opened the car and got back into the car.

I defiantly found the right guy.

(Quentin POV)
-1 hour later-

I can't stand still, I have been pacing the doctors hall for at least 40 minutes now, why the hell are they taking so long?!

I ran my hand through my hair and groaned pulling out my phone and checking the time. Why does time go so slow these days, I groaned and pushed my phone back into my pocket.

People gave me weird looks as they walked past, I stared at my feet. What if she is pregnant? Will I be the father of Russell Brands kid, oh please make the kid look like Katy and not Russell!

Please make sure it does not have his hair or beard like his no matter the sex of the baby! Oh god I couldn't live with myself if my child ever looked like that!

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of my nickname, "Q?" I heard a small voice say. The only person that calls me 'Q' is Katy.

I turned around seeing her walk towards me with her hands linked together, I raised my eyebrows as she gave me a small smile. "You pregnant aren't you" I said rubbing my hands over my face.

"Oh god, how are we gonna do this, I don't know how to be a father, it may be time but I'm going to have to by guide books! What if the baby doesn't like me-" Katy cut me off by covering my mouth with her hand.

She laughed at me, "they will call me tonight to tell me the results" she said smiling at me. My shoulders relaxed, "gosh" I said as she removed her hand from my mouth. "Come on" she said linking her hand in my own as we walked towards the exit of the doctors.

"Do you really think your not going to be a good father?" She asked me as I held the door open for her. I looked down at Katy seeing her with one eye squinted shut because of the sun, I shrugged, "I guess, I don't know" I said as our arms began to swing back and forth slightly as we walked.

"I know you will be a great dad" she said smiling, I looked down at her and kissed her temple. "And you'll be the most amazing mother anyone could ask for" I said as she wrapped her arm around my waist.

I put my arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer against my side. "I really you Quentin Dimitri" she said squeezing me, I looked down at her and kissed the top of her head, "I really like you to Katy Perry, wait, I mean I really like you to Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson" I said making her smile widely.

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