Chapter 41 - Why Is She Here?

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(Quentin POV)

"Ooh I think that I found myself a cheerleader" I sang softly as I drove down our street to our house, I turned off the radio shaking my head at myself.

"I should defiantly leave the singing to Katy from now on" I mumbled to myself as I pulled into our driveway.

I slammed on the breaks feeling my body jolt forward. I could feel anger rising in my chest and my nostrils flare as I caught sight of the little red piece of junk that my mother drives sitting at the top of our driveway.

If she is in there with Katy, I will get so mad.

I quickly stepped on the gas making the car shoot forward, I didn't bother parking straight instead it was on a huge angle when I finally stopped and turned the car off.

I got out and shut the door before locking the car. I jogged up to the front door and pushed it open harshly. I then pushed it closed with a bit more strength than necessary.

I look around before walking into the lounge room, "Katy?!" I yelled through the house. "I'm right here" her small figure appeared at the kitchen doorway.

"Is she in there?" I said pointing towards the kitchen. Katy's head dropped down as she nodded, "yeah, she is" she said making my hand that I was pointing towards the kitchen curl into a fist and return to my side before walking forward.

I could see Katy widen her eyes slightly as she stepped forward with her hands out until they were against my chest.

"Q please, she has came to apologise, just hear her out" Katy said as I could see my mother finally come into view.

I stopped walking as I saw a feeble woman sitting at our kitchen table holding a coffee cup between her hands. Skin and bone she was.

She had a bandanna around her head, obviously because she had lost all her hair.

Slowly she stood up, "Quentin please" she said holding her hand out, "why the hell are you here" I said through my teeth.

"Because I invited her" Katy said making me quickly look down at her. "You what?" I said taking a step back so she was no longer touching me.

"Q, just at least hear her out, it's her dying wish" Katy said as mother nodded, "I can't believe you" I said looking at Katy with a disgusted look.

"After I tell you everything she out me through, you stand here and defend her! But it makes it all ok cause it's her dying wish! But when I was a child there were so many time that my life was on the line but that doesn't matter! As long as she is happy" I said angrily at Katy.

I could see the hurt in Katy's eyes, "it's not her fault Quentin" mother said, "just shut up" I said scrunching my eyes closed and placing my hands over my face.

It was silent until I heard Katy speak, she spoke so calmly, slowly and gently, "I'm not defending her, there is no reason for her to do what she done to you as a child, but I can't help but notice there is something missing from your life. The love of your mother, and the forgiveness of her son is missing from her life" Katy said pointing back at my mother.

"Why don't you put it in the past, and take these last moments of her life to make things right" Katy said looking at me.

I could tell Katy was only trying to help, I know that, but this time she is completely wrong. She has to understand that I don't think I could ever forgive my mother for what she has done.

I sighed and looked over at mother, "how long?" I said tightening my jaw, mother looked up at me from the ground.

"2 months" she said simply, "well enjoy these next 2 months and cherish them" I said making a small smile appear on both my mothers and Katy's faces.

"But not here, go back home and don't come back" I said making their smiles drop completely. "Im done with you, goodbye mother" I said before turning my back on them and walking out of the room.

"Quentin, Quentin wait" I heard Katy say after me, I kept walking until I felt someone grab my arm. I quickly turned around and pulled my arm from Katy's grip, hurt and sadness flashed over her face.

"Just, just don't" I said walking away from her backwards, watching her hands slowly fall back to her sides as tear began to build up in her eyes.

I quickly turned away and ran to the front door before opening it and stepping out.


"Oop, someone's angry" I heard a familiar voice say from behind me. I let my hand that was holding the dumbbell fall back down to my side as I turned around.

"Mitch, hey buddy" I said putting the dumbbell down me turning around to face him. "It's good to see ya pal" he said fist pumping me.

I smiled and took a sip of water, "so what's bothering you?" He said crossing his arms, "what do you mean?" I asked as he smirked at me, "well you never work out after hours unless you need to blow off steam" Mitch said chuckling.

I scratched the back of my neck as I let out a small laugh, "is it problems with your Mrs again?" he said as I walked over to a bench press and sat down, "Kinda" I said resting my elbows on my knees.

"Well I know you don't like those types of group therapy session things but, I'm your mate, so I'm here to listen" he said sitting down, "lay it on me" he said opening his arms out wide.

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