Chapter 61 - 7 Weeks To Go

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(Quentin POV)

"A baby boy and girl" the doctor said smiling at us. It was just five seconds of silence before Katy bursted out into tears.

I stood up and cradled her against my chest as the biggest smile formed on my face, tears threatening to appear.

I could hear Katy laughing and crying at the same time as I kissed her hair. "I'll give you to a minute" the doctor said kindly as he got up with a smile and walked out of the room.

"Oh my god Q" she sobbed into my chest, I didn't say anything, instead I just kept kissing her head until she pulled back, showing me her tears streaked face.

I smiled and used my thumbs to wipe underneath her eyes, "I don't know why I'm getting so emotional, I've just wanted this for so long" she said as she laughed and wiped her cheek with the back of her hand.

"It's probably the hormones" I chuckled as I kissed her forehead, "we are going to have a son and daughter" she giggled as I smiled, "we are going to have a handsome son and a beautiful daughter" I corrected her as she smiled.

She put her hands on my cheeks as she pulled her face to mine, pressing her lips against my own, both of us with big smiles on our face.

We pulled away and she rested her head against my chest, "I love you" I whispered into her hair, "I love you to baby, and I love both our children" she said as I felt her hand intertwine with my own.

I stroked the back of her thumb with my hand, "I promise to protect our family with my life" I mumbled I to her hair as Katy's grip on my hand tightened and then released.

"I know you will baby, your going to be an amazing dad" she said as I chuckled, "and your going to be the best mother ever" I said resting my head against hers.


I felt Katy's hand link with mine as we walked down the hallway of the doctors towards the exit door. "This is so exciting" she said doing a little hop as she walked.

"Calm down, we still have a couple of weeks before they are born" I said as she looked over at me, "if I have counted right, it should be 7 weeks actually" she said as my eyes widened slightly.

"That's so close! I wasn't expecting it to be that soon! It's like, next month!" I said as she smiled and nodded.

"I'm already around 31 weeks pregnant" she said as I smiled, "this month is going to go so slow though" I said rubbing the back of her hand with my thumb.

"Yeah I know, but it will all be worth it in the end" she said swinging our arms between us slightly.

"Oh for fuck sake" Katy groaned making me look over at her when she stopped walking. "What's wrong?" I said as she nodded in front of us.

I groaned once I saw the small crowd of men and women that are standing and talking out side, each of them were holding a camera.

"Let's just go quickly so we can get home" I said as I let go of her hand and wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her closer.

We walked to the door and as soon as the doors reacted open automatically, all the cameras were held up towards us.

The shouts of them all flowing towards us as we kept our heads down. I could feel Katy gripping onto my shirt as I placed my free hand across her body so it was in front of her stomach.

I could hear them saying something about the babies, and pregnancy, and I could hear our names being yelled but I couldn't quiet make out the sentences because they were all shouting at once.

I could feel my face begin to heat up because we were in such a confined space, being pushed and shoved.

But soon enough we were at the car and I helped Katy into the passenger side, waiting for her to lock the door before I pushed my way through them all to the drivers door.

I started up the car but they were standing in front of me so I couldn't go anywhere. "Block your ears" I said as I slammed my hand down onto the horn, making the loud sound ring out, all the paps jumped slightly when I done it.

I was getting pissed because they weren't moving, so I slowly took my foot off the break and let the car roll forward.

The pap that was standing in front of the car shuffled back slightly but didn't move out of the way.

As I began to get slightly faster, the pap still didn't movement instead he stayed in front of us and jogged backwards.

Eventually when he was going fast enough I quickly swerved to the right so the car flew around him, he tried to jump back in front of us.

I'm not sure what he was trying to achieve, was he trying to get himself killed? Good photos? Or to get me in trouble for running a pap over.

As we pulled out onto the road Katy turned to look at me, "should we tell everyone the genders now, or make them wait until they are born?" She said as I look at her for no longer than a second.

"Who is everyone?" I said as she shrugged, "like, Mom, dad, Ang, David, Shan, Miranda, you know, the family" she said as I smiled, "if you want to, I don't mind either way" I said smiling over at her as she smiled back.

"I think we should, but the world can wait" she said as I nodded. "That's fair enough" I said as we came to a red light.

"I'm worried about that, you know?" Katy said slowly and quietly, "worried about what?" I said glancing over at her.

"The world, the paps, having their faces printed on papers and magazines all over the world, strange men following them, stalking them, trying to convince them to give information" Katy said in an annoyed voice.

"I know what you mean" I said taking one hand off the steering wheel and placing it on her thigh. Her fingers instantly began to play with mine.

"I hate it, I hate the fact that our lives are their entertainment" she said shaking her head, "we will do everything in our power to keep them safe, and shaded from all of that" I said rubbing my thumb across the fabric of her tights.

"Of course we will, but we can't be with them all the time, what if they show up at their school?"  She said as I stepped on the gas, the light turning green.

"Wait? School? We are sending them to school?" I said a little confused, "yeah? It's kind of the law?" She chuckled, "I know, but I would have thought you wanted them to be home schooled?" I said making her frown.

"I thought about it, but just because my, well our lifestyle is different, I still want them to be able to be kids, you know, make friends, go to school, all that type of stuff" she said shrugging.

"That's true, I never thought of it that way" I said as she smiled, "I just want to give them the best lives I can" she said as I glanced over at her once more.

"You will, don't worry" I said encouragingly, she sighed and leaned her head back against the seat.

"But you do realise this puts a little bump on our bet" Katy chuckled as I laughed, "it sure does" I said rolling my eyes.

"so technically we both win, so now we need to make an agreement" she said as I nodded, "indeed we do" I said slowing down to turn a corner.

"I think you should do the photo shoot, that's my half of the win, but now you get something from me" she said as I looked at her.

"Nuh uh, the deal was, if you won I would do it, but I won as well" I said shaking my head, "I still won, you have to do it" she said as I groaned.

"But what is your prize?" She asked as I actually thought about it, "I don't know yet, but I'll have to hold you to that" I said as she chuckled, "of course" she said leaning her head back and closing her eyes.

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