Chapter 32 - A Great Birthday

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(Katy POV)

So far, today has been good. I have had rehearsals and I'm now waiting for Q and Tamra to come and pick me up.

They said that they were taking me somewhere for my birthday, but I have no clue where. I am currently sitting backstage with my dancers while I wait.

"When did Quentin say he will be picking you up?" Bradford asked as he leaned against a pole beside me. I looked down at my watch, "uhh, at 11:30, so he was supposed to be here half an hour ago" I said frowning.

Q isn't usually one to be late, neither is Tamra so I couldn't help but worry a little. "I'm sure they are just caught in traffic" Bradford said giving me a smile before patting me on the back.

Yeah, your probably right" I said giving him a smile in return. I turned my attention back to my dancers who were being silly, they were clapping there hands in time and dancing stupidly.

I laughed along with them until Bradford's phone started vibrating, I looked down to see it said 'Tamra Calling'. He answered it, "Hello?" He asked, "ask her where she is" I whispered to him and he nodded.

"Where are you?" He asked while I watched his facial expressions. "What? When?" He asked widening his eyes at me, "do you know why?" He asked grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the dancers.

"Yeah alright, we are on our way" he said before ending the call and jogging towards the exit of the arena. He still had a tight grip on my hand so he was pulling me along with him, "Bradford, what's happened?" I ask with the most awful feeling in my stomach.

"I will explain on the way" he said pulling me towards the backstage exit. Just as we ran outside I pulled my hand from his, "Bradford tell me now" I said as he ran his hand through his hair.

"It's Quentin" he said making me clutch my stomach as I could feel a horrible feeling eating away inside of me. "What's happened" I said through my teeth, "Tamra said the elevator in the hotel was broken so they had to walk down the stairs, and half way down, Q had a seizure" he said making me place my hand over my mouth as my eyes widened.

"And because they were on the stairs, he fell, apparently he broke his arm as well" he said as I could feel a lump in my throat and tears welling up in my eyes.

"Are they at the hospital?" I asked as Bradford nodded and grabbed my hand again. He pulled me out the back and towards his car. "Yeah, we need tot go" he said as we neared his car.

-At The Hospital-

"Where are they?" I asked as we got out of the elevator on level 2, "Tamra texted me and said they are on level 2 and in room 205" he said looking at his phone screen before looking at the map on the wall.

"So it should be...... Just up to our left" he said pointing down the corridor on our left. I quickly turned and hurried down there, reading the numbers on the doors as I went.

Eventually I got to a white door that had the number '205' written on it. I quickly pushed the handle down to see Tamra sitting beside the bed with her phone out. She was lost in laughter.

I frowned in confusion as to why she was laughing, I ignored that and hurried over to the opposite side of the bed to Tamra.

I ran my hand through Q's hair as I studied his face. He looked like he was half asleep, his eyes were half closed and he looked out of it. He also had a large blue cast up his whole left arm.

"You scared me" I said with a small smile, "Katy?" Tamra said giggling making me look up at her. "Come here for a sec" she said standing up and walking over to the other side of the room, I kissed his forehead before walking over to her.

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