Chapter 56 - Mrs Dimitri Sounds Nice

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(Katy POV)

I leaned my head against Q's chest as we slowly swayed to the music, the eyes of all the guests were on us, but I didn't care. I was so comfortable.

I felt Q lean his cheek against my head as his arm tightened around my waist. Our linked hands rested against his shoulder as I stared at them, a permanent smile on my face.

The connection we have, is stronger than any connection I've had with anyone else. I knew for sure this will be forever.

I could hear Q humming softly to the music as we gently swayed, the slow song flowing around us as smiles were present on everyone's faces.

I closed my eyes for a second, just breathing in the moment before opening them to see others were slowly making their way onto the dance floor around us.

Everyone was beginning to sway in time with us. I looked up at Q when we stopped swaying in confusion.

My dad stood beside us smiling, "may I cut in?" He said as Q chuckled and nodded, "of course" he said as Dad took his place.

I smiled as Q walked off and Dad grabbed my hand. Once again we began to sway, "you know I never got to dance with you at your last wedding" he said.

"Huh, your right, why didn't you?" I said as he shrugged, "I'm not sure, maybe because I wasn't ready to give you away to someone like Russell" he said as I gave him a small smile.

"So does that mean your ready to give me away to Q?" I asked as he gave me as small smile before looking over my shoulder.

The music has gotten a little bit faster and I looked over my shoulder to see Q and Mom laughing as he twirled her around.

"Quentin is different" he said as I looked back at dad, "how so?" I said as dads eyes switched back to meet mine.

"I trust him" he said as a huge smile broke out onto my face. "Thanks dad, it's good to know you accept him" I said as he nodded.


I smiled as I watched Q put all the bags into the back of the car with the help of the driver. I felt a small hand rest on my shoulder, I turned to see my mom smiling at me.

"Come here sweets" she said as she took me into her arms, my head resting on her shoulder perfectly.

"If you need me just call" she said kissing my temple before we pulled away, "I will, thank you" I said as she smiled, "see you soon girl" Ang said from behind Mom.

"Love you all" I said waving as I felt a warm hand slip into mine, "you ready baby?" I heard Q whisper as I nodded.

"Yeah, let's go" I said as I waved to everyone. They all waved back making me smile, I looked at all the faces of my family and friends that came to celebrate this day with us, it just warmed my heart.

I let Q lead me down small path to the door of the car before helping me in, he got in after me and once he was comfortable I moved myself over so I was squished against his side again.

He chuckled before looking up ahead at the driver, "to the LAX airport please" he said gently as the driver nodded.

"Can you please tell me where we are going?" I asked as he laughed, "not a chance" he said as I leaned my head back.

(Quentin POV)
-25 hours later-

Katy has been nagging me for the past day and complaining. She wants to know where we are headed and she is sick of being on this private jet.

We have had to stop in several places to refuel because the flight is 22 hours from Los Angeles, plus we had a one and a half hours drive back to LA.

The only words that have been leaving her mouth were 'I'm hungry', 'I'm tired' and 'I have a numb bum'.

I think the pregnancy is making her slightly exhausted because she has slept a lot during the flight, but finally we are here.

But surprise, surprise, Katy's fast asleep on my lap.

I waited a couple of minutes for the airport crew to bring our luggage from the plane to the limo, God bless Tamra and her organisation, before I finally picked Katy up bridal style and carried her through the small jet and out of the plane and down the steps.

As I got to the car and the driver opened the door Katy began to stir, probably because of the noise. I quickly but gently placed her in the car and closed the door so she could be in peace.

"You know where we are going?" I asked the driver and he nodded and spoke back with a slight accent. "Yes, you assistant already planned it out" he said as I nodded.

"Thank you very much" I said as he smiled before opening the drivers door and getting in, I jogged around to the other side and quickly slipped in beside Katy before doing up her seatbelt.

She groaned before leaning her head on my shoulder and opening her eyes, "are we here already?" She said as her head shot up.

"Not quiet, you can sleep and I'll wake you before we get there" I said as she smiled and nodded, "thank you" she mumbled as I wrapped my arm around her and kissed forehead.

"I love you Mrs Dimitri" I whispered as she smiled, "that sounds nice" she said as I chuckled at her sleepy state.

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