Chapter 26 - Moving In

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"No, not that, something else, only if your willing to hear it?" I said making Q laugh and cross his arms, "I'm open to any ideas at the moment" he said smiling.

I took in a big breath, "well, you could move in with me?".

(Quentin POV)

"M-move in? Like live here, with, you?" I said confused as Katy nervously played with her hands. "Well, um yeah, only if you want to. I mean if you think it's rushing things then you don't have to, I could help you rent an apartment or something" Katy quickly said.

I took a step back, looking down at the floor, "I don't know Katy, that seems like a big decision that I have to make within like-" I quickly look down at my watch "five minutes, the moving truck will be leaving for San Fransisco any minute now" I said making her bite her lip.

"Listen Q, I am so sure right now, that your the one I want to wake up next to every single morning for the rest of my life, so please" she pleaded stepping for and placing her hands on both sides of my neck.

Slowly, a smile made its way onto my lips, "I really love you Kathernyn Hudson" I said making her smile, "I really love you to Quentin Dimitri" she said smiling and leaning up to place a soft kiss on my lips.

"Is that a yes?" She said quickly as we parted. "Only if I can catch that moving truck" I said before turning and sprinting through the house. I opened the front door and ran out not bothering to close it behind me.

I turned in the direction of my house and I pushed my feet against the ground as I ran. I pushed harder and harder until I was running at my maximum speed, and sprinting up the street.

I could see the truck was already closed up and the man was getting in, "WAIT!" I yelled making the man stop as he was getting in. I quickly ran the rest of the way, the man seemed confused.

"I'm Quentin, the old owner of the house, umm, we need a change of location to where my things are going" I said pointing to the back of the truck. The man frowned and reached in before pulling out a clipboard with papers on it.

"Can I see some ID?" He asked making me nod, "of course" I said reaching into my back pocket and I pulled out my wallet before opening it up and showing him my drivers license.

The man squinted his eyes looking at it, before looking down at the papers, "could you quickly sign here?" He asked pointing to a bit on the paper.

I took the pen and quickly scribbled down my signature where he pointed. I handed him the pen back and he looked at my signature, "all good, thanks mate, so where did you want the stuff taken?" He asked me as he put the folder back into the truck.

"Uh, just down this street to house number 1511" I said as he looked down the street and nodded. "Sure thing" he said giving me a small smile and nod before getting in the truck and starting it up.

I smiled and turned around to start walking back.......... Home? Is that what Katy's house is to me now, home?

I pushed my hands into my pockets as I walked back with a smile on my face. Once I was near I could see the truck pull up outside of Katy's house and Katy was standing at the front gate smiling.

The man got out and began talking to Katy. I could see Katy pointing towards the house and the man nodding.

He eventually got back into the truck and drove away, I frowned as I neared Katy's house. Once she saw me she smiled at me warmly, "where is the truck going?" I asked her as she walked towards me and wrapped her arms around my waist.

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