Chapter 18 - Moving Back

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(Katy POV)

"Baby, wake up" I heard someone whisper. Someone was gently shaking my arm, I open my eyes to see seats in front of me, I look to the side to realise I was asleep on Q's shoulder.

"Where are we?" I said, my voice is still croaky, "we just landed" Q said placing his hand on my thigh, his thumb gently rubbing back and forth. I smiled and grabbed his hand while looking out of the window.

The LAX airport is such a good sight to see, it's home again. I smiled as the plane finally stopped moving and we were allowed to take our seat belts off. I stood up and waited as Tamra stepped out into the Isle and grabbed her bag, then Q stepped out and got both his bag and my own.

He stood back so I could step out in front of him and we all walked down the isle and to the exit of the plane. We walked down the long hallway that was connected to the plane until we were fully inside the building.

Q held both our bags in one hand and wrapped his arm around my waist as we began walking through the building. "At least we are paparazzi free" Q chuckled, I smiled, "that's only because I'm wasn't expected to be here" I said and then I heard a little squeal and I turned around to see three girls keeled up on their chairs looking at me excitedly.

"But your never fan free" Q said laughing as I waved and then grabbed his hand. "Can we go and say hi, or is this 'thing' to urgent?" I asked making Q smile, "let's go and say hi" he said rolling his eyes at me.

As we walked closer the girls started doing a happy little dance and tried to get the attention of who I'm guessing is their Mom. "Hey girls, how are you" I said waving as I got closer, I laughed when they started stuttering.

"I-I can we please get a photo?" The oldest looking girl asked, I laughed and nodded, "of course" I said walking over to them as they stood at my side. I wrapped my arm around them and we faced the mother who was smiling with the camera, she took one photo and then Q walked over to her.

"Go on, get in their" he said as she handed him the camera, before she quickly hurried to my side. I smiled at them before I started smiling at the camera. "Thank you so much Katy" the Mom said smiling at me and getting the camera back off Q.

"Not a problem, it was nice to meet you all" I said waving and grabbing Q's hand as they all waved back. I turned around and we began walking away, but before we got to far away from them I turned around one last time to see the girls and their mom sitting down looking at the photo's.

I found myself smiling at the Mom and the youngest girl, the little girl was on her lap and she was kissing her cheek, I'm envious of their relationship.

And that's when it hit me hard that I wanted to be a Mom. So badly, I want someone small to love, but someone that I created.

I turned back around to see Q watching me with a smile, "what?" I asked smiling back at him, he didn't say anything he just wrapped his arm back around my waist and kissed my temple.


As Q was driving I noticed we were going up the street we live in. Eventually he stopped the car in the front of my house, "why are we here?" I asked Q, he turned around to look at me, "I want you to wait here while I sort some stuff out up at my place" he said making me frown.

I lifted up my hand bag and searched through it until I found my house keys, I handed them to Tamra, "here, go inside" I said handing them to her. She nodded slowly and got out of the car, I waited until she closed the door and then I turned to face Q.

"Remember what I said at the airport. We are a couple, we are in this together" I said, he thought for a second and sighed, "ok" he mumbled. He drove away from the curb and up towards his house, once his house came into view, I frowned.

There we 2 big moving trucks parked out the front and at least......... Six men that I have counted so far, moving things into the truck. "Are you moving? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked grabbing onto his arm.

"Because I didn't want to move" he said parking the car a house down from his, "well where are you moving to?" I asked as we opened out car doors. Q looked at the ground, but he didn't move from the side of the car.

I walked around and stood in front of him, "Q, where are you moving to?" I asked as he looked back up at me, "I'm moving back to San Francisco, Katy"

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