Chapter 3 - The Date

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(Quentin POV)

I looked at myself over once more in the mirror, running my hand through my hair which is spiked up into a quiff. I straightened my black jacket and let out a big breath of air.

I was about to leave but I still have 15 minutes before I have to pick up Katy, and it has been bugging me all day, wondering why that girl wanted to have a photo with Katy. I quickly ran into the lounge room and opened up my laptop and clicked on google.

I typed in Katy, it came up with

Katy Perry

Katy Perry Roar

Katy Perry Birthday

I've heard Katy Perry's songs before, but I haven't seen her face. I clicked on 'Katy Perry'. My eyes budged at the photo of the black haired beauty that appeared on the screen.

I'm about to take Katy Perry on a date.

I saved Katy Perry from being raped.

I quickly clicked off google and shut down my computer before standing up and walking to the front door. I leaned against the hard wood and let the information sink in. I shook my head and opened the door, I walked down the driveway to my car, a black Plymouth Valiant Duster, and got in. I'm not very wealthy, the only reason I have a car like this is because it was my fathers before he passed away. It's the only memory of him I have left.

I back out of my driveway and begin driving towards Katy's house. You know, it doesn't matter if Katy is famous, I don't really care, I actually think I like her, like a lot. She is always running through my head and I can't seem to get her out.

I pulled up outside of Katy's house and walked up her front steps to her door, I pressed the door bell, I could hear it ring through the house. I waited for probably 30 seconds before I heard heels clicking towards the door.

The door opened and I had to bite down hard to stop my jaw from dropping. Katy looked beautiful, she had a dark purple dress on that stopped above her knee, it had long sleeves and she had plain black heels on.

"Hey" she said smiling, "ah, hey, you look beautiful" I said smiling. Katy laughed and crinkled her nose, "thanks" she said as I held out my elbow, "shall we?" I asked and smiled as she held my elbow. "Of course" she said shutting the door behind her, I smiled as I noticed her clutch matched her dress.

I lead her to my car and opened the passenger door and helped her in, then I walked around my side and got in.

I pulled away from the curb and began driving to the restaurant where I was taking her. "You know, you look dashing this evening" Katy said in a posh accent making me chuckle, "why thank you" I said in an attempt of the British accent which made her laugh.

"This is a really nice car" I heard her say as she ran her hands on the leather seat, I smiled, "yeah, it was my fathers, but I don't think it could top your cars" I said smirking over at her, she frowned confused.

"That's right, I saw your black Audi A5 and your white maserati granturismo" I said winking over at her. "Wow, you really know your cars" she said raising her eyebrows, I shrugged, "I used to be a mechanic before I moved" I said shrugging.

"Were you born here in Los Angeles?" I asked her as I turned down a Main Street in LA, "ah no, I was actually born and raised in Santa Barbara, I moved here when I was 17" she said nodding, "wow, did you move with your family?" I asked, she shook her head, "no, by myself" she said looking out her window.

"Wasn't it scary?" I asked frowning, she nodded her head laughing, "very, but my parents were traveling a lot back then, they are pastors, so they couldn't move with me, but, I think it done me good, learning to handle things on my own" she said smiling.

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