Chapter 57 - Ko Samui

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(Katy POV)

"Katy?" I heard a deep voice whisper in my ear, "Kate? Baby?" I heard once more as I began to stir. "Mrs Dimitri?" Someone said that made a small smile appear on my face.

I let my eyes flutter open and I jumped slightly when I realised my feet weren't actually on the ground. I gripped onto Q's arm in fright when I realised that I was actually quiet safe.

Q had his arms tightly wrapped around my back and legs as my head rested on his shoulder. "Time to wake up, we're here" he whispered in my ear as I smiled.

I looked away from his face to the amazing view in front of me, my mouth dropped open for a second before a smile appeared onto my face.

"Oh my gosh, it's so beautiful!" I said as Q gently rested me down, "welcome to Ko Samui, the heart of Thailand" he said as I rested myself back against his chest and looked at the beautiful scenery.

The small looking island stretched into the distance, a beach to our left and a rainforest to our right.

But what made me smile the most was a beautifully lit up beach house, but it wasn't small, it was quiet large!

Q slipped his hand into mine as we walked towards the house, "so I have been thinking" Q said as I looked up at him.

"About what?" I said as he smiled down at me, "baby names" he said as I smiled, "me too!" I said as he chuckled.

"Even though I think they will be twin boys, I have also been thinking of girls names just in case" he said as I laughed, "same here" I said rolling my eyes.

"Ok, you go first, tell me two boy names and two girl names you like" I said as he smiled while kicking some sand with his foot.

"Well, for a boy. I like Joseph and Ezra" he said I smiled, "and for a girl?" I asked as he shrugged, "I was thinking something like Olympia or Violet" he said as I smiled.

"They are beautiful names" I said as he shrugged, "it was just a thought, but what about you? What boy names have you thought of?" He asked squeezing my hand.

"Well, I like Casper and James" I said as a smile smile tugged on Q's lips, "and for a girl, Courtney and Anais (pronounced Anay)" I said as Q raised his eyebrow.

"Anais, that's unusual, but I love it" he chuckled, "but like you said, they are just thoughts"

We reached the porch of the house as Q opened the door for me, "it was hard to think of a place that you hadn't been to before, Angela was a big help in that category" Q chuckled.

"I would have been pleased wherever you took me, as long as we are together" I said wrapping my arms around his waist as he kissed my forehead.

(Quentin POV)
(Next morning)

Her breath was warm on my chest and the sound of her breathing was light. I watched the way her raven black hair turned a dark shade of brown when the morning sun shined onto it.

I leaned my head forward and planted a kiss on her forehead, then on her temple, the her cheek and then the side of her mouth.

I scooted myself down so I was able to kiss her lips softly. It surprised me when I felt her begin to kiss me back.

She rolled us over so she was fully lying on top of me while we were still kissing. I chuckled and broke the kiss, "well good morning to you to" I said as she sighed, still with her eyes closed.

She rested her head back on my chest as I kissed the top of her head. "Are you hungry baby?" I asked as she laughed, "you have no idea, I'm starving, God I hate this part of pregnancy" she mumbled.

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