Chapter 20 - Betrayal

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"Do you love all of me?" She asked referring back to when I said I loved her, I frowned as she watched me carefully, "of course, from head to toe" I said confused.

"I promise I was going to tell you sooner, but Q you can't leave me because I think I'm pregnant"

(Quentin POV)

"Katy, w-we never slept together" I said, those words rolled off my tongue like poison dripping from my mouth. I felt my heart being pulled out of my chest and ripped to shreds, Katy looked at me with so much guilt and sadness on her face.

"I know that Q" she said letting a tear fall from her eye. I could feel anger bubbling up inside of me, but I didn't want to erupt onto Katy, it doesn't matter how much she hurts me, I could never yell or frighten her.

"Then how the hell could you possibly be pregnant" I said through my teeth. She looked down at the ground and back up again. "Do you remember a couple of weeks back, when Shannon and I went to the club for the night?" She asked me, I thought back into the past.


"Are you sure you don't want to come babe, it'll be fun" Katy said walking out of her bedroom in the hotel we are staying at. "Nah, drinking and clubbing isn't really my thing" I chuckled as I looked at what she was wearing.

She stood before me in a skin tight, sleeveless black dress that stopped mid thigh with plain black heels. A simple outfit, yet she look so hot.

"Please" she said giving me a puppy dog face, "babe, go have fun, you will have Shannon with you, you don't need me" I said as she sat down on my knees. "I'll always need you, but if you insist Mr ImNoFun" she said smirking.

I rolled my eyes and kissed her, "just go, but don't get to drunk" I chuckled as she got up and walked towards the door, "can't promise anything" she said winking.

-9:00 am-
-The Next Morning-
(Still in flashback)

I am awaken by a loud bang. I quickly jump up into a sitting position noticing I must have fell asleep on the couch. I look over to the front door now knowing where the loud bang came from.

Katy stumbled into the lounge room holding her heels in her hand, her hair was slightly messed up and she had her eye squinted shut because of the brightness. "Katy, where the hell have you been all night?" I said quickly standing up.

I ignored the dizziness that came to my head when I stood up to quickly. I placed my hands on Katy's upper arms, "I was ah, just, with a friend, and we lost track of time, and ah, I'm a bit tired so I'm going to bed" Katy slurred slowly.

She wasn't still drunk, she just seemed, off. "Ok, come on" I said wrapping my arms around waist and guiding her into her hotel bedroom and laid her on the bed. "I'll get you some Advil and a glass of water" I said kissing her forehead.

"I don't deserve you" she whispered as I stood up straight, "it's the other way around honey" I said as she put her hands over her her face. "No, I really don't deserve you" she said as I smiled, "we will talk about it later, I'll be back in a second, try and get some rest" I said as I walked out of the room.

*End Of Flashback*

"The time when you were gone for the whole nigh-" then it hit me. I looked at Katy with my eyes showing hurt and betrayal. "You slept with some stranger that night" I said taking a step back.

She shook her head and I frowned, "no, it wasn't a stranger" she said playing with her fingers. "Then w-who the hell did you sleep with" I said. First the first time in years, I felt tears choking me up.

"R-Russell, I slept with Russell" she said. My mouth dropped and my eyebrows raised in astonishment, I placed my hands on my forehead and gently sunk down towards the ground until I was kneeling in front of Katy.

I didn't even bother holding it back, I silently let a tear fall down my cheek. "S-say something" I heard Katy say in a broken voice. I could tell she was crying but I still didn't say anything.

I gripped my hair and began shaking my head. "This is not happening, this is not happening" I whispered to myself. "I'm so sorry Q" she said as she began to cry even worse.

I dropped my hands down onto my lap and looked up at Katy, her red eyes widened when she saw my own tear streaked face. "Q" she whispered stepping forward and reaching out a hand towards me.

"No, no just don't" I said standing up and shuffling back. She pulled her own arm into her chest and held it there, she let out a small sob.

"Why did you do it" I said clenching my jaw together. She looked at me "I was drunk" she said, I could hear the lump in her throat. "So you slept with your ex husband" I said scrunching my hands up into fists.

I wasn't going to hit Katy, I would never, especially now that she may have a small human being inside her. But I defiantly wanted to hit something.

"I-I'm so so so sorry Quentin" she said letting out another sob, it honestly breaks my heart even more to see her like this.

"Ju-Just give me some time to think" I said reaching into my pocket and pulling out my car keys before dropping them on the ground in front of her. Even though I was mad, I wouldn't leave her standing here and make her walk home.

I know I don't live that far away but still. I turned around and began walking, but I could still hear her crying behind me.

I looked behind me to see Katy slowly bend down and pick up the keys in her fragile hand, I watched her pick them up slowly and cradle them to her chest. I felt guilt wave over me as I left her standing like that.

But I need to think about this.

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