Chapter 22 - It Was His Fault

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(Katy POV)

I pushed open my front door and I could hear running towards me, I look up to see Tamra running to me with a shocked look on her face.

I adjusted Q's hand on my shoulder, "what happened, why did you take so long?" She said grabbing Q's other arm and helping me get him inside.

"I had to take him to the hospital, he had to get 7 stitches in his hand, he punched a window" I said as we walked into the lounge room towards the couch. "Is he drunk?" Tamra asked as I gently laid him down on the couch.

"Yeah" I said pulling the blanket off the back of the couch and laying it over him. "Why is he shirtless?" She asked as I fixed up the blanket before walking into the kitchen.

"Because he used his shirt as a bandage" I said walking straight to the fridge. "No, drink later, we have something we need to do" Tamra said grabbing my arm so I couldn't reach the fridge. "What?" I said confused.

Tamra let go of my arm and walked over to the kitchen table and pulled a box out of a shopping bag before chucking it to me.

I caught the box and looked at it. A pregnancy test.

(Quentin POV)

Why the hell does my head hurt?

I opened my eyes and looked ahead of me seeing a TV screen. I frowned and looked around noticing I was asleep on a couch. I groaned as I pushed the blanket off of me and sat up into a sitting position.

I rubbed my eyes, not to hard because of the pounding in my head. I dropped my hands sighing, I noticed a glass of water on the table and 2 tablets.

I looked around seeing the familiar scene of Katy's lounge room, how did I get here?

I grabbed the pills and put them in my mouth before taking a sip of water and swallowing them. "Your awake" a heard a small voice say.

Carefully not to move to quickly I turned my head to see Katy standing in the door way with nothing but a white shirt on. One of my white shirts......

I couldn't help a small smile that appeared on my lips as my eyes travelled down her body. She noticed and looked down at herself, "oh, I hope you don't mind, it kind of comforted me" she said gripping onto my t-shirt.

I shook my head softly before turning back around and facing the TV, it was turned off but I still looked at the screen. I heard a sigh coming from Katy's direction, and then small footsteps coming closer.

Finally Katy came into my view and she stood in front of me holding something out. I frowned as she held it out to me, slowly I lifted up my hand and opened it so my palm was facing up and she gently placed some sort of plastic stick in my hand.

I frowned angrily as I noticed the pregnancy test, "why are you showing me his" I said through my teeth as the thought of Russell's hands on her body. "Just look at it Q" she said softly.

I sighed and moved my thumb out of the way of the results. It said 'Negative'.

"I-I thought you were pregnant" I said confused as I looked up at Katy, "so did I, but I have had one positive and one negative test, so I'm going to the doctors later..... Well today since it's officially past midnight to see of I am or not" she said shrugging.

"Past midnight? Why are you up?" I asked as she gave me a small shrug and she played with the bottom of he shirt, "I couldn't sleep" she said as I gave her a small smile.

"I'll come with you to the test" I said as she smiled, "you will?" She said as her face lit up, I smiled "yeah, I've had some time to think, and I've decided that it's not your fault, it's his, he took advantage of you when you were drunk, and I'm not going to leave you like the others, I love you to much" I said smiling as she started smiling as well.

She climbed on to my lap quickly with her legs either side of my thighs and her lips crashed against mine. It kind of felt funny kissing her at first because of what has happened, but the feeling soon faded and our lips were moving in sync.

I held her waist as she had her hands at both sides of my neck. "I love you" she said between kisses, I smiled and pulled away before reaching my hand up and stroking her cheek, "I love you to baby" I said kissing her forehead as she got off me and laid down on the couch with her head resting on my bare chest.

I pushed my legs out so we were both in a laying down position and played with her hair until her breathing slowed, then I closed my own eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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