Chapter 35 - Faincè

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(Katy POV)

I could feel the light brush of someone's fingertips up and down my back. My eyes flickered open and I smile as I take in the fact that I'm lying on Q's chest.

I have my hand rested on his chest and I could feel him rubbing the back of my hand, I look up at his face only to see he was looking at my hand, well not my hand.

The ring.

I smile as I remember every detail of last night, every kiss, every touch, and the moment I said yes.

"Good morning my beautiful fiancé" Q said kissing my forehead, I smiled and breathed in his scent, I loved it. "Good morning my sexy future husband" I said as I began drawing the word 'Engaged' on his chest with my finger tip.

"That looks good on you" he said making me frown and look down at myself, "but I'm not wearing anything" I said referring to my naked body, I felt the vibration if Q's laughter run through my body.

"I was talking about the ring, dumby" he said making me laugh, "oh, yeah" I said lifting my hand up to examine the ring. I smiled as I ran my finger over it, "ooh" I said quickly as I got an idea.

I rolled over onto my back and reached for my phone on my bedside table, once I grabbed it I rolled back over to face Q.

"We need to tell the world" I said making him give me a small smile before taking my phone off me. He swiped the screen upwards so the camera was on us before he held it in the air.

He looked at me and pressed his lips against mine, I smiled into the kiss as I closed my eyes and placed my left hand on his cheek. I heard the click of the camera, we pulled away and he clicked onto the photo and held the phone out to me.

I smiled at the picture, we were both smiling in the kiss and the ring on my marriage finger clearly visible as my fingertips touched his cheek.

I smiled and unlocked my phone before clicking onto the Twitter app, I clicked on the 'compose a tweet' button and began typing.

'I Will Love You Unconditionally, I'm ready to start forever with you x' I attached the photo before clicking 'tweet'. I smiled as notifications began flicking up on my phone, I locked it and placed it back onto the bedside table before facing Q again.

"I didn't think you would want everyone to know" Q said wrapping his arms around me, I frowned, "why not?" I said as I kissed under his jaw, "because it's me that your marrying" he chuckled.

I pulled away and looked him dead in the eye, "that is one of the reasons I should be telling everyone" I said making him smile. I rested my head against his chest as his fingertips began rubbing my back again.

"Last night was amazing" he whispered into my hair, I smiled "I know, it was the most amazing
thing I had ever experienced" I said kissing his chest.

"But that wasn't your first time surly" he said making me chuckle, "no I know that, but it was.... I don't know, different I guess you could say, probably because your the love of my life" I said looking up at him.

"I hope that's why" he said pulling me closer, "do you have a show tonight?" He asked me, I shook my head, "no, but we have the arias tomorrow" I said making him widen his eyes.

"Oh my god, I completely forgot!" He exclaimed as I chuckled at him, "I don't have anything to wear" he said looking back at me, "that doesn't matter, I have people that organise that" I said shrugging, "oh, ok good" he said as I rolled over so I was pressed against his side again.

"What's the time" I mumbled closing my eyes, I felt him shuffle as he looked at his phone on the bedside table, "it's just come half 8" he said resting back down with me.

"Hmm, it would be night time back home, but I reckon Mom and dad would still be awake" I said rolling back over to get my own phone. "Why are you calling your parents?" He asked me as I unlocked my phone.

"Well if they find out I'm getting married through the media, they would be furious" I said chuckling. "Ok, I'm going to brush my teeth and then we are going to go out for breakfast" Q said as he shuffled out of the bed and slipped on some pants.

"Yeah, sounds good" I said clicking on 'Mom', "I'll text Tamra and ask her if she wants to come" he said as he walked into the bathroom, "ok" I said back.

I heard the ringing stop and I clicked speaker so Q could hear the conversation, "hello?" Mom said, it's been a while since I have heard moms voice, "hey mom, it's Katy" I said.

"I know hunny, I have caller ID" she chuckled, "oh yeah, I forgot, sorry for calling so late" I said as I sat up and leaned back against the headboard of the bed.

"It's alright, how is your tour going" she asked me, "it's great, but I have to tell you something" I said pulling the bed sheets up around my naked body.

"O.......k" mom said sounding unsure, "it's nothing bad" I quickly assured her, "what is it?" She said quickly. "You remember Q? Don't you?" I asked trying to ease her into it, "yes of course, why?" Mom was starting to sound a little unsure so I thought I better just tell her.

"We are getting married Mom" I said as I saw Q's head pop out of the bathroom door, he heard our whole conversation and I bet he is nervous, by the look on his face I can tell he is.

We were both waiting on moms reaction, just looking into each other's eyes. "That's wonderful feather! I'm so happy for you both!" Mom said happily making both Q and I smile happily.

"Keith, Keith!" Mom yelled, "Katy and Quentin are getting married" she obviously said to dad, "that's great, bless them" I heard dad say in the background.

I chuckled at the excitement in their voices, they were never this please when Russell and I told them we were getting married, it was just a simple 'Congratulations' and a 'are you sure about this' speech.

"So When is the wedding" mom said making me laugh as Q's head disappeared back into the bathroom. "We only got engaged yesterday Mom, we haven't spoken about it yet" I said as I suddenly began to get excited.

"Well make sure you do" mom said as I heard our hotel room door open, "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!" I heard the voice of Tamra yell. "I'm guessing you didn't tell Tamra" mom chuckled, "ah no, but I better" I said laughing with her.

"Where the hell are you Katheryn!" Tamra yelled again, "I'll let you go hunny" mom said, "in here!" I yelled to Tamra, "ok mom, bye bye, tell dad I said hi and I love you both" I said as I heard Tamra's footsteps getting closer.

"Ok, bye, we love you to" she said before I hung up and the bedroom door swung open. Tamra stood at the doorway in her pyjamas with a huge grin on her face, "why didn't you tell me?!" Tamra practically yelled running towards me before jumping on the bed and holding out her phone.

I took her phone and she had my tweet open, I looked down and saw it already had 21.4K favourites and 12.3K retweets and I only tweeted it minutes ago.

"It only happened last night" I said grinning proudly. "Oh my gosh Kate, I'm so happy for you!" Tamra squeaked happily as she threw her arms around me, "thanks Tam" I said as she let go of me and then stood up.

"Did you want to grab some breakfast together?" I asked as I put my phone on the bed side table. "Yeah, just let me get dressed" she said pointing to her clothes, I laughed and nodded, she must have literally just ran in here as soon as she saw my tweet.

"Congratulations to you both" Tamra yelled so Q could hear, I smiled at her, "Fanks Tamra" Q slurred, obviously his mouth was full of toothpaste.

Tamra smiled at me once more before walking back out of the bedroom, closing the door behind her. I smiled and closed my eyes, just taking in this moment.

"You look happy" I heard a husky voice say, I open my eyes to be met by the sight of my sexy ass fiancé leaning against the bathroom door frame. "I am happy" I said running my eyes down his body, taking in his hot bed hair and his toned bare chest and abs.

"Good" he said standing up straight before walking towards me. I smiled when he laid down beside me, I stroked his cheek and he started grinning, "I need a shower" I said making him chuckle.

"Same, let's go" he said grabbing my hands, "what, together?" I said smiling, he shrugged, "yeah, it's quicker" he said winking.

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